Ever wanted to roam a vast wildland, taming wild beasts, scavenging from resources, and building your own clan from scratch? Now you can in the new open-world survival game Soulmask. Developed by CampFire Studio, this sandbox game puts your skills to the test as you fight against the odds to survive.
As you’d expect, finding precious resources and using them to craft better gears for yourself is one of the core loops in this game. The Aloe Leaf is an important resource in the game that’s useful for crafting high-tier healing items. You may have come across it by accident, but most players have a hard time figuring out exactly where to find them.
But don’t worry; we’ve got you covered. In this article, we’ll pinpoint the exact locations where you can find Aloe Leaves in Soulmask so that you can get as many as you want without any trouble. Let’s hop in.
Aloe Leaf Location in Soulmask

Aloe Leaf in Soulmask is found on grassy areas near lakes. You can harvest them using a scythe or even pick them up by hand. What makes things tricky is that it can be hard to spot them in dense foliage. Reducing the Foliage Quality slider all the way down from your game settings can make it easier to spot them.
Although they can appear anywhere at random, there are three areas on the map where they spawn consistently:
South of Pyramid:

In Soulmask, the North-East border of the map has a Pyramid where you fight a Sabertooth Tiger as part of the main story. Although the area is pretty empty in terms of resources, you can find some Aloe Leaves nearby. Head south from the pyramid until you reach a river stream. Cross it, and you’ll find a patch of Aloe Leaves on the ground.
South of Claw Tribe Barracks:

The Northern Barbarian Barracks is great for farming plenty of loot. By killing the barbarians, you can stock up on all your essential resources early on. But it’s also a great place to farm some Aloe Leaves.
Head south from the barracks, and you’ll come across a large patch of Aloe Leaves. These patches regenerate over time, so come back later if you need more and pluck as much of them as you need.
North of Flint Tribe Barracks:

The Flint Tribe Barracks is another good spot if you want to harvest some Aloe Leaves. Travel to the Barracks and head to its northern border. You’ll find plenty of Aloe Leaves ripe for the picking.
Aloe Leaves can be hard to find because of their small size and how easily they blend in with the foliage. The three spots we mentioned in this article will almost always have some available for you to pluck. So hop on your trusted mount in Soulmask and get ready to head out!