Shattered Space has a bunch of quests that will take you around the new planet of Va’ruun’kai. You have to work with the people of this planet to complete missions and clear objectives while learning more about House Va’ruun. While the Shattered Space DLC has a short gameplay time, some quests make the time spent playing the DLC worthwhile. One such quest that is engaging yet not the easiest to complete is the Hide and Seek quest. If you are also struggling to find Mila, Ilana & Ivali, we have put up all the details on how to find them and complete the Hide and Seek quest.
How To Start Hide And Seek Quest In Starfield Shattered Space
First complete The Promised, Broken quest and make your way to Dazra City in Va’ruun’kai. When you enter through the main area, you will find three kids standing around. Talk to them to start the quest.
Mila, Ilana & Ivali’s Locations In Hide and Seek Quest
Once the quest has started, you will be stuck in place for a while till the kids run away to find a good hiding spot. But you can turn around and look at the general direction of where each kid has run off to. Keep a mental note of the direction, then once you are able to move again, you can quickly make your way over to them.
Mila’s Location

Make your way towards the Hall of Devotion building to find Mila. To find the building, from your starting location, head to the right side and go past the Goods Exchange Building. Go up the first ramp and go to the left side path. Just before you enter the Hall of Devotion, turn to the left and follow the path in front of the entrance. You will find Mila crouched down at the side of the building.
Ivali’s Location

Head back down the path away from the Hall of Devotion and go up the flight of stairs you passed by earlier. Go past the Jarek Plaza sign and go further up the stairs. Once you reach the main plaza, look to your left to find a flight of stairs leading down toward the Halls of Healing. On your right will be another flight of stairs, and once you go down check behind the Jarek Plaza statue to find Ivali.
Ilana’s Location

Go back to your initial quest starting location, then head left and jump down the ledge or take the elevator. Make your way to the SpacePort and head up the ramp on the left towards the refugee camp. Turn to the right, and once you reach the end of the path look to your left to find Ilana hiding behind the large storage container.
That’s all there is to know about completing the Hide and Seek quest in Starfield. If you like this guide you can check out our other guides like All Starfield Shattered Space Endings: What Happens In The End? and How To Remove Dazra Bounty In Starfield Shattered Space