In Dynasty Warriors Origins, you have to choose the faction that you want to be a part of, and that might cause some conflicts with other characters in the game. While you do make some trustworthy friends, you will also make some enemies along the way. During the Battle of Hulao Gate in Chapter 2, you will come across Diaochan near the end of the battle. He is a skilled assassin who fights with a needle sword. You need to beat her before you can get to the final boss of the battle, and that is what this guide helps you out on. Let’s look at all her skills, attacks and how to counter Diaochan in Dynasty Warriors Origins.
Diaochan Fight Guide In Dynasty Warriors Origins

Diaochan is one of the mini-bosses you encounter towards the end of the Battle of Hulao Gate. You need to defeat her before you can meet Dong Zhuo. Once you destroy the cannons at the battlefield, Diaochan will appear for a duel. What makes her fight unique is that you cannot use your army, and she will solely focus on you during the fight. Luckily, the fight is pretty easy to complete, and it won’t take long to bring her down.
What you need to look out for is the time limit for Diaochan’s fight. There is a 50-second time limit put in place, and you need to defeat her before the timer runs out. If you brought your companion with you, then the fight would be over pretty quickly as you alternate between both the Wanderer and the chosen companion. If you feel unprepared, then before the fight, you can head out to any nearby camp to consume Meat Buns to heal.

Diaochan’s moveset is quite predictable, as she will use her sword to get jabs during the fight. She’s also extremely agile and can evade your attacks. Luckily, most of her attacks can be blocked, except for the ones that have an orange glow. If you notice an orange halo surrounding her, then those indicate her special attacks, and they are unblockable. You can dodge or run away till her attack is dealt, then quickly run back in and hit her.
It is best to bring heavy-hitting weapons like your basic sword, wheel, and gauntlet, and perform any AoE attack so you can catch her off guard. Special Arts are exceptionally handy to use here, so before loading in the Battle of Hulao Gate, make sure you equip some of your best attacks and weapons. You don’t need to concentrate too hard on her fight, you just need to keep an eye on where she lands her attacks, then dodge or attack her when the time is right.
Since you need to keep this fight short, focus on landing as many attacks as you can before the timer runs out. You will soon defeat her, and face the final boss of the battlefield. For all the best companions to use in Dynasty Warriors Origins, you can check out our companion guide to know more.