Marvel Rivals has a huge collection of heroes you can play as. From Iron Man to Black Panther, each superhero has unique strengths and weaknesses that can affect your combat. Among these characters is Hulk, the iconic green powerhouse. His Hulk Smash and Gamma Burst abilities make him a scary opponent. Even so, there are some Marvel Characters that have the powers and abilities to defeat him. Here’s a list of those superheroes and all their abilities.
Best Characters To Counter Hulk
This list has 10 superheroes that are strong enough to bring Hulk down. They aren’t in any specific order, since each character can be powerful when used in the right way.

- Type: Duelist
- Abilities: Psionic Crossbow, Wing Shurikens, Psi-Blade Dash, Psychic Stealth, Dance of the Butterfly, Psionic Disc.
Psylocke is one of the most challenging characters to master, but she becomes incredibly powerful once you’ve learned to use her abilities. Her primary attack, Psionic Crossbow (left-click), fires lightning bolts that deal damage while also reducing her cooldown times. This can be combined with her Psi-Blade Dash (LSHIFT) to strike Hulk and quickly evade his attacks before he can retaliate. Another useful ability is Wing Shurikens, which releases tiny Shurikens that stick to Hulk and deal damage to him over time. This makes it a great tool for chipping away at his health. Psylocke’s Psychic Stealth allows her to escape Hulk’s attacks easily, giving her a strong defensive edge.

- Type: Strategist
- Abilities: Life Energy Blast, Healing Flower, Spore Slumber, Allied Inspiration, Natural Anger, Soul Resurgence, Nature’s Favor, Nature’s Soul.
Mantis would be a good character to have in a team when facing Hulk. That’s because her Spore Slumber ability can immobilize Hulk for some time, giving the team a chance to carry out direct hits on him. This ability is especially effective against Hulk in his Bruce Banner form, as it keeps him locked in his weaker, natural state. Coming to offensive attacks, Mantis does have some decent ones like Life Energy Blast, but nothing too powerful compared to the other strategists. She shines as a healer in any battle due to her Soul Resurgence and Allied Inspiration abilities.
Adam Warlock

- Type: Strategist
- Abilities: Quantum Magic, Cosmic Cluster, Soul Bond, Avatar Life Stream, Karmic Revival, Regenerative Cocoon, and Soul Perseverance.
Despite his lack of mobility, Adam Warlock is a great addition when you’re facing a formidable opponent like the Hulk. Make sure you are using Quantum Magic and Cosmic Cluster constantly, as this will make the fights much easier. One thing that Warlock can’t do is protect himself against Dive attackers. Just try to be near allies and heal them constantly using Soul Bond and Avatar Life Stream so they can do all the offensive attacks.

- Type: Vanguard
- Abilities: Mjolnir Bash, Hammer Throw, Storm Surge, Lightning Realm, Awakening Rune, God of Thunder, Thorforce, Odinson Reborn, and Thunderous Diety.
Thor can be one of the strongest characters to play, especially when you understand his abilities. When facing Hulk, Thor’s Mjolnir Bash and Storm Surge can do some decent damage in direct attacks. He can also gain back all of his power using abilities like Thorforce. Awakening Rune is another ability that can help Thor enter an Awakened state where his Mjolnir Bash becomes too powerful.

- Type: Duelist
- Abilities: Wind Blade, Bolt Rush, Weather Control, Goddess Boost, Omega Hurricane, and Charged Gale.
Storm’s Wind Blade and Bolt Rush can do some direct damage to Hulk, especially when done from the right distance. She can also use her Weather Control and Goddess Boost abilities to strengthen the team or herself against Hulk’s attacks. The first ability can give an extra movement boost to her teammates, while the latter will help in slowing down the green giant.
Luna Snow

- Type: Strategist
- Abilities: Light & Dark Ice, Soul Resurgence, Ice Arts, Share the Stage, Absolute Zero, Cryo Heart, Smooth Skate, Icy Disco
This superhero tends to have the coolest of all attacks. She’s mostly a healer and will fit right in with any team composition. While she doesn’t have any direct attacks that can damage Hulk, she can keep her teammates alive using Share The Stage, Light & Dark Ice, and Ice Arts abilities so that they can power up their ultimate attacks and use them on Hulk. Her Absolute Zero ability can also help in stopping Hulk for some time, giving the team enough time to inflict heavy damage.
Doctor Strange

- Type: Vanguard
- Abilities: Daggers of Denak, Shield of Seraphim, Cloak of Levitation, Maelstorm of Madness, Pentagram of Farallah, Eye of Agamotto, Price of Magic, Gamma Maelstrom
One of the most reliable Vanguards, Doctor Strange can protect the team from Hulk’s attacks by placing a portal or forming a shield around everyone using his Shield of Seraphim ability. His ability to levitate and travel fast using Cloak of Levitation will also be useful against Hulk, as you can achieve higher ground in fights.
While a skilled Doctor Strange player can protect the whole team, there has to be some team coordination to win too. That’s because Doctor Strange won’t be doing much of the direct attacks on Hulk. Even if Doctor Strange uses his Maelstrom of Madness or Eye of Agamotto attack, Hulk will not be damaged enough to bring him down in a single hit. However, when timed correctly and combined with coordinated team attacks, these abilities can create a powerful synergistic effect.
The Punisher

- Type: Duelist
- Abilities: Adjudication, Deliverance, Final Judgement, Vantage Connection, Culling Turret, Scourge Grenade, Warrior’s Gaze, Infinite Punishment
Hulk is immediately vulnerable whenever a superhero that can do ranged attacks comes into the picture. The Punisher is another character that can easily counter Hulk’s attacks. His Final Judgement and Culling Turret abilities can be used against Hulk. Punisher’s Gatling guns can deal damage to Hulk, while his Culling Turret ability can protect him from Hulk’s attacks.
Punisher can constantly keep attacking a target using Adjudication, making him effective against Hulk’s thick skin. The downside with the Punsiher sometimes is that his hitbox becomes bigger when he’s doing the ultimate attack. Remember to carry out such attacks at the right time to avoid any unexpected losses.
Iron Man

- Type: Duelist
- Abilities: Repulsor Blast, Unibeam, Hypervelocity, Armor Overdrive, Micro-missile Barrage, Invincible Pulse Cannon, Gamma Overdrive.
Similar to Doctor Strange, Hulk becomes weak when facing Iron Man as he can’t levitate or jump too high up. Iron Man can shoot even while in the air using his Repulsor Blast and Unibeam abilities. His Micro-missile Barrage attack starts a bombardment of missiles that can deal enough damage to Hulk. The same goes for his Invincible Pulse Cannon and Armor Overdrive abilities.

- Type: Duelist
- Abilities: Piercing Arrow, Blast Arrow, Crescent Slash, Hypersonic Arrow, Ronin Slash, Skyward Leap, Hunter’s Sight, Archer’s Focus, Supersonsory Vision.
Any long-distance fighter/shooter will be a huge problem for Hulk. Since Hawkeye can shoot arrows and cause a lot of damage to the enemy even from a distance, he becomes a good counter character for Hulk. Use the double jump with Skyward Leap to get away from Hulk’s attacks. You can also go for the Crescent Slash attack to push away enemies.
The ability of Hunter’s Sight will be of great use here. It shows the player afterimages of the enemies, that you can then target and attack. Any damage done on these images will reflect on the actual player. Since Hulk is huge and hard to target, attacking his afterimages would be the best way to deal direct damage to him.
We have also put up guides on how to play as your favorite Marvel characters like Captain America, Black Widow… or Squirrel Girl in Marvel Rivals. Do check these out to see which one would you want to give a shot next.