There are tons of new collectibles to find in the new Palworld Feybreak update, and you will always end up finding something new during your exploration of the island. Ultimately, your goal would be to upgrade your Pals skills and make them more efficient to work at your base. For that, you can find several consumable items, and one of them is the Ancient Pal Manuscript. These rare items can be obtained in a few ways, and this guide will shed some light on all the ways to get Ancient Pal Manuscripts in Palworld.
How To Get Ancient Pal Manuscripts In Palworld
There are two main methods that help farm Ancient Pal Manuscripts: completing Bounties and sending your Pals out in Pal Expeditions.
Completing Bounties
Collect Bounty Tokens and trade them with the Vigilante Bounty Officers to collect Ancient Pal Manuscripts as a reward. To start Bounties, you must first locate these particular Officers. They are found outside most settlements across the regions near various waypoints. Once you find one, talk to them to start the Bounties quest. Open up your map to find a new marked target with a red aura around its icon.
These marked locations are where you can encounter NPC bosses to take down. Once you defeat the NPC boss, you get Bounty Tokens as a drop. You can then take these tokens to the Bounty Officer and hand them over to get some rewards. The Ancient Pal Manuscript is included within the reward pool, but is not a confirmed reward in exchange for Bounty Tokens: there is the RNG factor at play here.
Sending Pals For Expeditions
You can now open up a Pal Expedition Station and send any idle Pals in your Palbox out to find rare items across the various regions. You can start building the Pal Expedition Station after reaching level 15 and unlocking it from the technology tree. You will require 20* Wood, 20* Stone, and 5* Paldium Fragments to craft and place it in your base. Next, you need to defeat all the Tower Bosses to unlock those regions for expedition. Now all that is left is to interact with the Station and select which region and what Pals to send out exploring.
To collect Ancient Pal Manuscripts, send your Pals out on the following expeditions:
- Cave in the Grassland
- Forest’s Secret Realm
- Volcanic Inferno Cave
- Hidden Ruins of the Desert
- Spirit Blossom Cave
- Dark Cave of Feybreak
The longer your Pals are out exploring, the better your chances will be to get Ancient Pal Manuscripts.
How To Use Ancient Pal Manuscripts In Palworld
You will spot several new structures in the Palworld Feybreak update, and one of them is the Pal Labor Research Laboratory. This structure unlocks at level 20, and after you are done crafting it, you can use up all your accumulated Ancient Pal Manuscripts here. This will help boost some of the passive stats of your Pals as well as add some permanent boosts to your base. You can unlock new passive skills on your Pal’s skill tree and new research for your base using the Research Laboratory, but some skills or research might require more than just a few Ancient Pal Manuscripts.
All in all, you can enhance your Pals skills and your base stats by using Ancient Pal Manuscripts in Palworld. But there is a lot more that can be done in the Feybreak update, and we have guides on collecting Dark Fragments and crafting Legendary Hexolite Gear that you can check out.