Shin Megami Tensei V : Vengeance has been enjoying a good reception since its release, and for good reason : the updated version of the classic includes new locations, a new campaign and new loot. The turn based game has a lot of mechanics to master and enemies to defeat for materials, resources and upgrades. One such enemy that you will be running into during the game are Mitamas, and if you are looking for help on how to discover a Mitama’s weaknesses in Shin Megami Tensei V : Vengeance, you have come to the right place.
How To Discover A Mitama’s Weaknesses In Shin Megami Tensei V : Vengeance
Use a Spyglass to discover a Mitama’s weaknesses in Shin Megami Tensei V : Vengeance. Spyglasses can be purchased at Cadaver’s Hollow for 100 Macca each. Make it a point to purchase the maximum no. (50) that you are allowed to, and use them on any Mitama that you happen to come across in your journey. The Spyglasses will tell you of the weaknesses and resistances for that Mitama. Unfortunately, once known, you will still need to use Spyglasses next time you spot a Mitama, since these resistances and weaknesses are randomized for every Mitama encountered.

Also, this key element is required in the battle as attacking a Mitama with attack types that it is resistant to will completely nullify any damage to the Mitama, while the right attack targeting its weakness can effectively one shot the Mitama. The Mitamas also tend to run away , hence this becomes all the more important. Switch one of the Demons in case your lineup does not have anyone who can use that particular elemental attack. The other option is to use Pierce – since it bypasses all elemental resistances and immunity.
Different Types Of Mitamas & Rewards
There are 4 different types of Mitamas in Shin Megami Tensei V : Vengeance, and defeating them has different drops as rewards as below:
- Saki Mitama – Relic items that can be exchanged for Macca
- Nagi Mitama – 10 Glory which helps to unlock Miracles
- Kushi Mitama – Gospel which levels up Nahobino by one
- Ara Mitama – Grimoire that levels up a Demon by one if they are below Nahobino’s level.
And that completes everything on Mitama’s Weaknesses in Shin Megami Tensei V : Vengeance, as well as rewards that you collect on defeating different types of Mitamas in the game. Do checkout our other guides on this in case you are looking for help on how to respec in SMTV : Vengeance or how to farm glory in SMTV : Vengeance