Fallout 76 keeps putting out daily and weekly challenges in this multi-player RPG game that has been enjoying a fresh lease of life – due to the dedicated updates, patches and expansions from the developers; as well as the well-received TV show set in the same universe. One such challenge will have you hunting for Deathclaw Eggs; and if you are looking for the best places to find Deathclaw Eggs in Fallout 76; you have come to the right article for this. Lets get started!
Deathclaw Eggs Location Fallout 76
Location # 1 : Abandoned Waste Dump

Your best bet to get a Deathclaw Egg in Fallout 76 is the Abandoned Waste Dump. Just before you enter the Cavern, there will be a dead Brahmin and a dead Yao Guai which will have a Deathclaw Nest behind them, be sure to check these out first. There will be 2 Deathclaws that you will encounter within the Cavern. Deal with them and move ahead to find three Deathclaw Nests. You will have to explore the area a bit to locate them, but there is good chance of being able to find atleast 1 of these which spawns a Deathclaw Egg. If you are unlucky here, and only get Cracked Deathclaw Eggs, you can try other locations mentioned below.
Location # 2 : Hopewell Cave

Hopewell Cave has a nest just beyond the pond once you enter the cave, and has a decent chance of spawning atleast one Deathclaw Egg. Enter the cave and face off against the 1 Deathclaw inside, and the Deathclaw Nest will be located just behind the Deathclaw. While there is just 1 Nest here, it also has a good chance of spawning a Deathclaw Egg.
Location # 3 : Tunnel Of Love

The Tunnel Of Love located at the Nuka – World On Tour is the next place to go for the Deathclaw Egg Farming Route. Enter the Tunnel and keep going straight. As you come to a station, use that to cross over and then move in the opposite direction to the very end. You will come across a Deathclaw, and behind it there will be three Deathclaw Nests right next to each other. There is an excellent chance of one of these at-least having a Deathclaw Egg.
Location # 4 : Deathclaw Island

Deathclaw Island located at the western tip of the map is your next bet to find a Deathclaw Egg. Once you spawn at the location, cross the river and you will run across a Deathclaw and a Deathclaw Nest right behind it.
There are other locations as well like the Enclave Research Facility, Monorail Elevator and Arktos Pharma, however the above locations should be more than enough to get through the daily challenge of getting one Deathclaw Egg.
Do let us know which among the above was the best location for you to get Deathclaw Eggs in Fallout 76. In case you are looking for a powerful weapon to get you through the Deathclaw encounters in these areas, do check out our guides on Medical Malpratice, Ticket To Revenge or the Tesla Rifle in Fallout 76.