There are a few minigames you can try your hand in while playing Star Wars Outlaws. If you successfully pass these mini-games, you can earn credits and earn money fast. One of the more popular games you can try is the Kessel Sabacc, which is a sort of card gambling game that requires some tact to play. There is a certain goal to meet here that will determine whether you are the winner or not. Like most mini-games, you can also learn how to cheat your way into winning!
This guide will give you a comprehensive detail of how you can play Kessel Sabbacc efficiently and the best possible ways to win the game in Star Wars Outlaws
Where to Play Kessel Sabacc in Star Wars Outlaws
If you wish to try this game, you can just explore all the settlements within most planets. You can start seeing this game as early as Toshara in Mirogana City, and you can try your hand at playing Sabacc here.
Kessel Sabacc: Rules
Kessel Sabacc has a difficult-sounding tutorial, but is not that complicated and is actually quite fun. The rule of the game is to win the lowest hand possible. You will be dealt two cards: one yellow and one red. There is a digit on top of the cards that you should note. Your hand is the difference between the digits on your card. So; if you have a yellow card with 5 and a red card with value 2; your hand equals 5-3, which is 2.
In case the lowest hand is the same (e.g.; player 1 has a yellow 3 and a red 3 which equals a hand of 0, and player 2 has a yellow 5 and red 5 which also equals a hand of 0); player 1 wins because of the lower digit cards of 3 as compared to player 1 who had digit cards of 5).
There are a total of 3 rounds, and each round has 3 turns. You have to win all three rounds to qualify as the winner and earn credits
How To Choose Cards In Kessel Sabacc

When it is your turn, you get to choose a card off the table. If you decide to pick a card from the available deck, you need to spend coins for it; the cost for which is indicated when you hover over the deck.
You can either pick a yellow card, a red card, the Impostor card, or choose to Stand.
When to pick a yellow or red card: This one is easy to understand – you would ideally want to pick a card that brings your hand as close as possible to 0. So, if you have got a high yellow and a low red; it makes sense to try and get a low yellow and so on.
When to pick an Impostor card: The Impostor card will need you to roll a dice to reveal its digit value – and is a pretty risky one to try early on. If till the end, you have not got a great hand, you can try your luck through the Imposor card by rolling dice; but not early on.
When to pass your turn (Stand): If you think you have got a good hand, and that also with low yellow and red cards, you can choose to Stand.
How Do Sylop Cards Work In Kessel Sabbac

Sylop Cards are special cards that will appear in higher-level Sabacc games. that mimic the card you have in hand and change the digit of the card to match. Sylop Cards are identified by a special symbol on the front of the card, so if you spot one of these pick it up. If you manage to get two Sylop Cards, you can instantly win the game by getting Pure Sabacc. Whenever you see this card, you should go all out and try to get it. The reason is that a Sylop Sabacc always wins over a Yellow/Red Sabacc. So; if there are 2 players who have a hand of 2, but one of them has got that hand through a Sylop Sabacc, he will be the winner.
How Do Shift Tokens Work In Kessel Sabacc

Shift Tokens add a bit of variety in terms of the chips that you spend or get other players to spend per turn. You can use tokens to retrieve chips or get a free hand without spending any coins. You can also tax a chosen player using Shift Tokens and remove 2 chips from them. Use Shift Tokens sparingly and only when you absolutely need them. Shift Tokens are great for retrieving lost chips or not spending any in your next turn.
How To Not Get Eliminated In Kessel Sabacc
Keep an eye on your chips and do not spend them unnecessarily. Rather, find ways to retain or increase your chips. If you lose the game, you lose chips from the green pot in front of you as well as one from your stash.
If you win, you get to keep all the invested chips and whatever you have on you. If you are somewhere between a win and a loss, then chips will get deducted based on your hand’s difference. Just ensure that you don’t end the game with zero chips, which is instant elimination.
Can You Cheat In Kessel Sabacc
Yes, you can cheat but be careful: if you get caught it will lead to instant elimination and a cooldown period before which you cannot play. Repeatedly getting caught cheating means a permanent ban at that table!
You can use Nix to spy on other players and take a peek at their cards. Also, if you have a magnetic dice, you can use it to alter the digit values of the Impostor card, giving you the upper hand.
Tips & Tricks To Win Kessel Sabacc
- To quickly win the game, try to get Pure Sabacc, but this can be a random occurrence.
- Hold off on the Impostor cards during early game unless you have the magnetic dice to cheat with.
- If you have the Double Draw, use it at the start of the game.
- You can see all your opponent’s Shift Tokens, and since Shift Tokens are fixed per game, you can improvise and use proper judgment before you use your Shift Token.
- Using Shift Tokens can help you retrieve lost chips.
- Always aim to have a Sabacc hand, which is two of the same value cards. That way you will be taxed less if you lose the round.
- If you wish to play a shorter round, look for tables that have players using lower chip counts. Higher tables will offer larger chip amounts to deal with, making the game more drawn out.
- As for cheating, you may try it if you are brave enough and are sure you won’t get caught, or you risk losing whatever you have earned for the day. Use Nix’s peeking ability alongside the Exhaustion Token to eliminate a player from your table
- Do not unnecessarily spend chips to draw, and try to stand if you don’t need any more cards
That’s all there is to know about playing Sabacc in Star Wars Outlaws. You can also check out our other Star Wars Outlaws guides like how to earn Credits fast or how to upgrade Kay’s Speeder.