V Rising, the action RPG from Stunlock Studios has a pretty catchy premise, putting the protagonist in the shoes of a vampire, gradually becoming all powerful and getting to build a castle and dominate humans to do his bidding. The game throws several items and resources your way, and one such are Copper Coins. In case you are looking for ways to make use of Copper Coins in V Rising, you have come to the right place – and article.
What To Do With Copper Coins In V Rising
Copper Coins in V Rising can be used to purchase items from Shady Merchant Camps in Farbane Woods. However, by far the more valuable use for Copper Coins is to convert them into Silver Coins, which become increasingly more important as you advance further into the game. Silver Coins help you purchase higher quality weapons, armour, potions and upgrades for your castle.
How To Convert Copper Coins To Silver Coins In V Rising

In order to convert Copper Coins to Silver Coins in V Rising, you need to be at level 30 and unlock The Devourer through the following steps:
- Defeat Lidia the Chaos Archer (a level 30 V Blood Carrier) found between the Bandit Copper Mine and Bandit Logging Camp in Farbane Woods
- Collect the resources required as per the recipe – 12 * Plank, 6 * Copper Ingot
- Construct The Devourer, and feed it items purchased using your Copper Coins. The Devourer will consume these items and give out Silver Coins in return!
And that is everything on the topic of Copper Coins in V Rising. Do check out our other guides on the game like how to get Onyx Tear in V Rising or all details on the Hunter’s Cloak in V Rising.