Things can get complicated real fast in Sea of Thieves as you try to overtake other players in collecting treasures or defeat other ships or monsters. Sometimes you might find enemy ships running away from you instead of facing off in a fair fight. If you are looking to get that elusive loot and sink enemies, then you might want to follow this guide to know how to sink Runners in Sea of Thieves.
Sea of Thieves – How To Deal With Runners

The best tactic to deal with runners is to head over to any island and check the shoreline for a rowboat. You will also find some gunpowder kegs on islands, or get them from forts or by killing Skeleton enemies. Load up all the kegs onto the rowboat and sneak up on unsuspecting ships to toss the kegs over and sink them.
If that does not work, try either of the following:
Corner your Opponent
For this one, you need to learn about the movement of the winds, then move around the target as they try to run away. Try to corner them in a way that their ship is working against the wind, making it difficult for them to steer to safety. You can then use your cannons to blow up their mast and sink their ship.
Sneak up on Enemy Ships

You can keep your distance from the target and wait for them till they come to a favorable position to launch your attack. If you have your voice chat on, you can also trick them that you come in peace, then attack them when they fall for your bait.
Ignore Them
When it comes down to it, fleeing ships generally don’t want to engage in battle, so the best thing you can do here is ignore them. Since Sea of Thieves does offer a challenging PvP, you can tag down other ships that really want to put up a fight rather than chasing down ships that don’t want to get caught.
Chasing after runners isn’t as viable in the long run and only benefits players who just want to enjoy a good fight. But, if you are after them for treasure, then there are other ways to do that in Sea of Thieves. Also, if you are looking for a good fight, check your map for ships that have their Reaper flag flying high. These ships have marked themselves to be found and are looking to battle other ships, which is a good chance for you to test your skills.
In celebration of its’ seven-year anniversary, Sea of Thieves has a new event that will have you looking out for Anniversary cakes. There are 7 of these, and if you are looking for help, check our guide on this topic here.