Shin Megami Tensei V : Vengeance has been received well by the gaming community as an enhanced retelling of the classic with new areas, loot and campaign added. The game also goes the distance in adding sub quests to make the time spent exploring that much more worthwhile and engaging. One such quest is the Beastly Battle of Wits in Shin Megami Tensei V : Vengeance, and we have put up the full guide on how to close this sub quest and the rewards for completion
Beastly Battle of Wits Sub Quest In Shin Megami Tensei V : Vengeance Location

The quest is unlocked by speaking to Nozuchi in the northern-most point of the Da’at Minato region; and requires you to answer three riddles that Nozuchi puts up for you. Lets go through all the three riddles and the right answers for them.
Beastly Battle Of Wits Riddle # 1

Nozuchi will ask “The Path You Have Walked Has Ended. What Path Do You Take To Return?”. The right answer from the options presented is “An empty path”
Beastly Battle Of Wits Riddle # 2

Nozuchi will ask you to get some Sangaku Beads, and will give cryptic clues to the location, saying “The Stupa Towers Overhead. On A Hill Of Green, Spirits Frolic With Shiba, Never Touching Ground. Find The Place This Poem Speaks Of. Bring Me Sangaku Beads That Rest There” You can keep speaking to Nozuchi to get further clues on the location. The summary of all the clues that Nozuchi gives is that green monsters located in a dead end of Shiba region is where the Sangaku Beads can be obtained. The location is left of the Shiba Leyline, and the Sangaku Beads can be found lying about sparkling and hence easily spotted from a distance.
Beastly Battle Of Wits Riddle # 3

This is a combat related one, and Nozuchi simply asks you to “Make Me Walk” This is your cue to attack. However, be sure that you have prepped for this battle. Nozuchi and the 2 Kodamas that accompany Nozuchi are weak to Fire and Ice, while Nozuchi is fully resistant to Physical attacks. Nozuchi is proficient in Wind attacks, so in case you have party members who are weak to this, you may want to swap them out for this battle. Once you have defeated Nozuchi, the battle is over and so is the sub quest.
Beastly Battle Of Wits Rewards
Nozuchi drops a Virtuous Neutral Periapt which allows Demons of Light-Neutral alignment to use Omagtoki : Momentum Magatsuhi skill. This is a pretty useful skill as it gives you 1 Press Turn Icon for each enemy defeated during the turn.
And that is everything on the sub quest Beastly Battle Of Wits in SMTV : Vengeance. For our other guides on the game, do check out how to discover Mitama’s weaknesses or how to farm Glory in SMTV : Vengeance