The first thing you will notice upon entering the Yellow Wind Sands of Chapter 2 in Black Myth: Wukong is the dust storm in the distance. This is the work of none other than the Yellow Wind Sage who wields the power to control the wind at his fingertips. Here is everything you need to know on how to defeat Yellow Wind Sage in Black Myth: Wukong.
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How to Prepare for Yellow Wind Sage Boss Fight in Black Myth Wukong
The Yellow Wind Sage, as the name would suggest, uses wind to deal damage to you, so the best thing you can get to counter this is the Wind Tamer vessel. Other than that, you’re going to need to upgrade and get a few key spells and items.
Obtain the Wind Tamer Vessel

To get the Wind Tamer Vessel in Black Myth: Wukong, you will need to complete the Yellow-Robed Squire’s quest which will lead you to a secret area called Kingdom of Sahali. Defeat the boss in this area called Tiger Vanguard to get the Wind Tamer Vessel.
Use the Correct Spells
As you may already know, you can only use four Spells in your loadout at a given time in Black Myth: Wukong, and by now you will probably have more than four.
So for the Yellow Wind Sage boss fight, these four spells will work the best:
- A Pluck of Many: This can bring down the health of Yellow Wind Sage by a good margin if you time it correctly after staggering him.
- Rock Solid: A very good defensive spell that can negate his attacks and also knock him off balance which will give you a much-needed opening to land a counterattack.
- Red Tides: This transformation spell is a must for almost any boss fight especially in the early chapters of the game and is as effective for the Yellow Wind Sage boss fight as well.
- Azure Dust: Yet another transformation spell that can help you chip off his health bar while also saving yours as when you use transformations, you get a separate health bar that you can spend. Landing heavy attacks with this transformation can let the Yellow Wind Sage down.
How to Defeat Yellow Wind Sage in Black Myth Wukong
Yellow Wind Sage in Black Myth: Wukong is one of the tougher bosses to defeat. This fight has three phases for every third of his health bar and each phase will introduce stronger attacks into his moveset. Make sure you upgrade your gourd and spend as much of your Spark points as you can before entering the Yellow Wind Sage arena.
Phase 1 Strategy

As the fight starts, you will be far away from Yellow Wind Sage which will prompt him to use his wind attacks that send long-range slashes towards you. These can be dodged side to side but he can also add a slam in the mix to close the distance. Moments after this slam attack, you have an opening to land a few light attack hits on him.
After closing the distance by yourself or him doing so, the Yellow Wind Sage will switch to his close-range melee combos. Much like the longer-range range attacks, however, even these can be dodged side to side. This combo will also have a final slam attack in one of its mixes so your best option is to wait that one out and use his recovery from it as an opening to get hits in and fill your focus meter.

One hard-hitting attack you need to be cautious of is when the Yellow Wind Sage prepares an attack with his staff making it glow which is followed by a swing, stomp, and then another wide swing. The final swing in this can be delayed which hinders your dodge timing so be aware of that. Make sure to use your Rock Solid spell if you are in a risky spot with no stamina left.
Phase 2 Strategy

Once the first 1/3 of Yellow Wind Sage’s health bar is depleted, he will get angrier and start to do some new moves that you will need to be ready for. When he lifts his staff and starts spinning it creating a whirlwind, this is when he is doing his Samadhi Wind move. If you prepared for this fight by obtaining the Wind Tamer as I advised before, this is the perfect time to activate it as it will negate the attack and also give you a massive opening to deal some heavy attacks.
If you do not have the Wind Tamer or you choose to not go with it, you will need to maintain some distance during this attack since it has a huge AoE effect that causes a lot of damage in the surrounding area. Wait for the entire thing to end and only then start approaching him to attack again.

In this Phase, he will replace the glowing staff winding attack with a new one where he will raise his hands instead which will glow and come slamming down which will be followed by another slam with the staff. This can be dodged easily once you learn its wind-up timing, getting behind him here is extremely beneficial to get some good hits in.
He will also disappear and reappear during this phase to throw you off, much like the fight with Black Bear Guai. However, the most devastating move to avoid here is when he tries to run, jump and kick you. This seems like a normal attack but if you get hit by it, it is followed by a melee combo that cannot be dodged and it will surely kill you if you are low on health. It also cannot be avoided using Rock Solid so your only option is to dodge it.
Phase 3 Strategy
With only 1/3 of Yellow Wind Sage’s health bar left, he will get as angry as he can get and start doing some of the most powerful attacks in his moveset. You will now have another threat in the arena that needs to be avoided in the form of mini tornados that the Yellow Wind Sage will start spawning. These appear easily avoidable but they are intentionally slow so that you will forget about its presence and it will suddenly catch up to you when you are not paying attention so always be aware of its location.
If you have the Wind Tamer off cooldown, this would be the perfect time to use it again as it will dispel the tornados and give you another opening for heavy attacks by staggering the Yellow Wind Sage. For the most part, this phase will feature most of the same attacks you are already used to if you have made it this far, with the exception of the tornado spawns and one other move that you will need to avoid at all costs.

This is when the Yellow Wind Sage will spawn a giant Fuban to attack you by slamming its body on the ground where you are standing. This can kill you even on half health so be very careful to dodge this at the correct time. Fortunately, the camera will switch to the Fuban once it spawns which allows you to focus on its slam attack and time your dodge.
Rewards for Defeating Yellow Wind Sage in Black Myth Wukong

After one of the toughest boss fights in Black Myth: Wukong, here are all the rewards you get for defeating Yellow Wind Sage:
- Exp x2583
- Will x1944
- Samadhi Wind Agate
- Cold Iron Leaves x2
- Silk x5
- Yaoguai Core x2
- Refined Iron Sand
- Mind Core
- Fuming Ears Relic
These are exceptionally great rewards for defeating a tough boss like the Yellow Wind Sage in Black Myth: Wukong. The Fuming Ears relic will allow you to choose between three passives that suit your play style the best.