Mother nature is arguably your biggest enemy in the Viking open-world survival game ASKA. With the winter season lasting for ten in-game days, you need to be fully prepared to handle the plummeting temperature and scarcity of resources. But that’s not all – you’ll also need to be ready to tackle the biggest challenge of them all: the Winter Invasion.
In this guide, we’ll show you how to overcome the challenges of the Winter Invasion in ASKA. Let’s get started.
Surviving The Winter Invasion in ASKA
To survive the Winter Invasion in Aska, you’ll need to fight off waves of enemies while ensuring you have enough supplies to get through the season. Here are a couple of tips to make things easier:
Stock Up On Food
First things first, you need to make sure you’ve got enough food stocked up in your storage to get through the winter. So before the season arrives, you need to harvest crops and push your storage to the max.
Experiment with different cooking recipes. Prioritize food that boosts your health and healing. For example, when you add garlic or onions to your meals, you’ll get a greater healing bonus which can be handy to heal up after an enemy wave during the Winter Invasion.
Remember, you can still hunt during the winter, but if you’ve got a large settlement it might not be enough to keep all of your villagers fed and happy.
Build Shelters

Another thing you don’t want to overlook is your shelter. Before winter hits, you need to make sure there’s a place to sleep for every villager in your settlement. Also, build multiple fire sources to keep your villagers warm and have the sources burning all the time. Keeping your villagers warm should always be a priority during the Winter Invasion.
Set Up Walls
Walls are pretty underrated as defensive structures in ASKA. However, when the Winter Invasion comes, having at least a Hedge Wall surrounding your town will keep your important buildings safe from getting fully destroyed. It might take up some of your resources, but the investment is often worth it.
Train Fighters
While food and shelter are important, you also need fighters to defeat the enemies. So make sure you train your tribe members in the Barracks and Archery range before the invasion. Craft high-quality weapons and armor for your villagers and give them healing and energy-boosting items so that they can defend your village when the time comes.
Camping the Portal

Winter Invasions consists of several waves with each containing 3 to 4 enemies. While the difficulty ramps up with each passing wave, for the first one or two waves there’s a pretty easy way to defeat the enemies.
When you receive the notification about the incoming raid, scout the nearby area to find the portal. Take your warriors and go camp by the portal on the day of the attack. You’ll be able to take down the first one or two waves of enemies right when they spawn.
Prioritize the Smaller Enemies
Once you kill the early waves, you’ll notice the enemies getting stronger. In each Winter Invasion wave, you’ll have to fight against a couple of smaller enemies, like Skeletons or Draugers, and an elite-type enemy called the Follower. While it might be tempting to go after the Follower first, it’s best to take out the small fries first. That way, you won’t have to worry about taking random attacks when you fight the Follower.
With the tips we mentioned above, you’ll have no trouble surviving the Winter Invasion in ASKA. Check out our other guides on the game, such as How to Recruit Villagers and Essential Tips and Tricks.