When you are playing as a Prince of all Saiyan, you want to experience everything. Vegeta is one of the prominent characters in the entire series, so it was obvious for every fan to see the branching paths of Vegeta for his missions. Some of the sparking paths can be a bit complicated to figure out, but that’s where we come in, with this guide and all the steps to unlock All Vegeta’s Branching Paths in Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero.
Guide To Vegeta’s Branching Paths In Dragon Ball: Sparking! Zero

Vegeta’s branching path gets separated into two different routes Parental Bond and Number One Spot.
Here we are going to take a look at the events on both sides of the coin. First, we will look at the mission details if you choose to decide to roll with Parental Bond and the later section will cover the details of Number One Spot.
- Parental Bond Branching Path is part of the Wind-up Doll Episode.
- Number One Spot is part of Vegeta’s Wicked Heart Episode.
Note: After finishing one branching storyline you can play with another one. There is no restriction in-game, you don’t have to start all over again.
Parental Bond Branching Path Guide For Vegeta

Here we will see Vegeta taking a more responsible role in the game, as every one of his family members will influence Vegeta massively. So when does the Parental Bond branching path trigger?
The first diverging path will take place in the Episode Wind-up Doll, Vegeta will go head to head against Android 18.
Challenge: You will have to beat Android 18 within a fixed time.
Once you beat the Android 18 within the time allocated, then here you will kick off a whole new different timeline for the prince of all Sayians. Family matters a lot here, as the path is known as a Parental Bond.
Story Change #1 Training with Super Trunks
Trunks will go against his father, you will have to push Trunks far enough for him to turn to Super Trunks form. it ain’t going to be easy, make sure to land your best shot, and enter the sparking mode. Once the Trunks transform into Super Trunks, the battle will get a bit more challenging. Beat Super Trunks to unlock the next part of the Parental Bond storyline.
Reward: Zeni x1000, x50 XP
Story Change #2 Vegeta Vs. Cell

Finally, it’s time for Vegeta to go against Cell, but Vegeta hasn’t reached the peak yet, so he won’t be able to beat Cell yet! The objective here is to lower the health bar of Cell to end the episode. Here Vegeta will gain access to Cell Games.
Reward: Zeni x1000, x50 XP
Story Change #3 Vegeta Kicks off Cell Games
The first opponent for the Cell Games is now changed to Vegeta. the battle ensues between Vegeta and Cell but as the fight progresses, it will not look good for Vegeta. Here Trunks will step in to take the damage from Cell, angering Vegeta to vow to take revenge against Cell.
Reward: Zeni x1000, x50 XP
Story Change #4 Parental Bond Vegeta & Trunks Vs. Cell
The last battle of Parental Bond features father-son teaming up to take on Cell. Here you will see an epic scene of Cell’s Kamehameha against Vegeta’s Final Flash. Then the story takes an amazing turn, instead of the father-son Kamehameha here, here we will see different father-son bonding.
Reward: Zeni x1000, x50 XP
Vegeta and the Trunks team up to join forces and release Father’s son Final Flash to defeat Cell forever. This ends the Parental Bond storyline for Vegeta.
If you ever wondered if Vegeta was the main protagonist of Dragon Ball, then Sparking Zero offers a fitting end to that imagination, as it portrays Vegeta in a good light compared to the canon story arc.
Number One Spot Branching Path Guide For Vegeta

The Parental Bond saga took place in the Cell Arc, the Number One Spot will take place during the Majin Buu saga. If you have seen the anime you know the episode where Vegeta gets the M tattoo on his forehead showing his allegiance to Majin Buu.
This storyline takes a different route, it imagines what if Vegeta didn’t get brainwashed by Babidi, triggering a whole new story arc in the saga. When Vegeta gets under Babidi’s control in the episode “Vegeta’s Wicked Heart”, you must choose ‘Shake off brainwashing.’ This will kick off Vegeta’s Number One Spot branching path for Sparking Zero.
Story Change #1 Vegeta Goes Against Dabura
Since Vegeta didn’t succumb to Babidi’s brainwashing, infuriating Vegeta goes all out against Dabura. Our challenge is to finish Dabura with Vegeta.
Reward: Zeni x1000, x50 XP
Story Change #2 Vegeta Vs. Babidi
After Dabura, Vegeta unleashes his anger against Babidi. Our objective here is to defeat Babidi. There is no extra challenge here, just defeat him to get to the next story change.
Reward: Zeni x1000, x50 XP
Story Change #3 Number One Spot, Vegeta Goes against Goku in the World Tournament.
With Buu out of the picture, everything goes back to normal, here the old threat emerges for Vegeta, and the rivalry between Goku and Vegeta takes centerstage once again. Here we must pull off Vegeta’s only dream, defeat Goku.
After eliminating Goku in the World Tournament, Vegeta gets the trophy as the winner of the Tournament. A cutscene will play, where Goku switches Super Saiyan 3 to Vegeta. This will encourage Vegeta to step up his game to catch up to Goku’s new power.
Reward: Zeni x1000, x50 XP
The scene played differently in anime, where we saw Goku going Super Saiyan against Majin Buu to reveal his secret power. This ends the Vegeta’s Branching path in Sparking Zero. Both paths provide a unique, unseen perspective to Vegeta’s story in the Z arc.
The game has several such branching paths for it’s characters, and if you want to check them out, we have guides that cover Piccolo’s branching paths, all Jiren’s endings in the game and all Gohan’s branching paths in Sparking Zero.