If you are someone like me who played the first game on a PC with keyboard and mouse; or someone planning to give this a shot for the first time, or, maybe – someone who has tried either of the two systems but has not been able to progress much into the game, the question on your mind would be what works better for Hades 2? A controller or the standard keyboard – and – mouse setup. We attempt to guide you on this question in this article
Hades 2 : Should You Use A Controller Or Keyboard & Mouse
If one were to look at the game devs for guidance on this, they have clearly made the choice apparent; for as soon as you boot up the game with a keyboard and mouse setup; you will get a pop up message saying that the game is best played with a controller. So, there you go – the ones who at this time have probably spent the most time on the game so far have made their opinion pretty clear.

However, the game is playable for sure with a keyboard and mouse as well. However, unlike most top-down isometric perspective games, you do not use the point and click of the mouse for movement. Movement is controlled by the WASD keys, with other buttons and the mouse used for attacks and abilities. This did take a while to settle in for me, especially when you have a lot of enemies coming at you from different directions and you need to point towards the enemy for the attack to land. After trying this for a few times, and then switching over to a controller, I have to admit, the controller looked to be a far more intuitive and natural fit into the gameplay, and that is what I have been playing with since.
So there you go, on this, I side with the developers and recommend playing with the controller – it will make your runs through the tense and frantic combat that much more manageable and fun.
The game being in early access, you may have experienced game crashes – be sure to check out our guide on how best to avoid game crashes for Hades 2 for possible fixes to the problem.