In Indiana Jones and The Great Circle, the Tuned In achievement requires players to deliver radio frequencies to Gina. This task involves problem-solving and careful navigation across two key areas: Gizeh and Sukhothai. While getting the radio frequencies in Gizeh is easier, the locations in Sukhothai are surrounded by enemies, and hence need some careful navigation. And that is exactly why we have put up this guide for all radio frequencies locations in Indiana Jones And The Great Circle.
How To Get The Tuned In Achievement
The Tuned In Achievement in Indiana Jones And the Great Circle involves getting all 8 radio transmissions: 4 in Gizeh and 4 in Sukhothai; and handing them over to Gina.
To get the Tuned In achievement, you’ll need to ensure you’ve progressed far enough in the main storyline to unlock access to both Gizeh and Sukhothai. Let’s go through all the 8 locations below.
All 4 Radio Frequencies In Gizeh
- Meteorological Station: Situated south of the map’s center, this station also serves as the location for the Cloud Atlas Mystery. Enter the side room of the main tent. Walk straight ahead past the notes with lock combination clues to find the frequency card on a desk at the far side of the room.

- Fenced Camp Near Khafre Excavation Site: To the east of the excavation site, there’s a fenced area containing a frequency card. Avoid the officer at the main entrance by sneaking to the east side of the fence. Crawl through a hole beneath the stone ridge to gain entry. Inside the large tent directly ahead, find the card on the table to your right as you enter. Grab it quickly or loot the tent for additional valuables before leaving.

- Khafre Excavation Site Mess Tent: The central building in this area serves as a mess tent for soldiers. Use the Worker Disguise to approach, but entry requires the Wehrmacht Uniform. Alternatively, sneak in unnoticed to retrieve the card without arousing suspicion.

- Voss’ Map Room: Located beneath Voss’ office, this large room contains a frequency card on a table near the main entrance. Look opposite the wall adorned with banners to find the table.

All 4 Radio Frequencies In Sukhothai
- Voss’ Camp: Head to the first floor of Voss’ office and explore the large map room. In the northwest corner, find a bulletin board with a table to its right. The first frequency card lies on this table next to a radio and typewriter.

- Army Camp at Wat Chana Songkhram: Head to the camp northwest of the village. Approach from the south to avoid guards. You’ll find the card inside the left guardhouse located at the camp’s main entrance.

- Wat Sa Si: Located in the map’s northwest corner, the camp’s radio tent lies at the rear. Dock at the southeast corner of the island and follow the raised path marked with a rebel tiger insignia. This path leads directly to the tent with the card and a supply stash.

- Wat Mahathat: This large camp west of the village houses the final code. To reach this location, dock your vehicle northwest of Tongdang’s Hut for easy access to the camp entrance. To bypass guards and dogs, crawl through ruins on the right, which will drop you behind the tent containing the card.

Handing Over All 8 Radio Frequencies To Gina
After collecting all 8 codes, head to Khaimuk Saksit Village. If you’re advancing in the main quest, your vehicle will appear at its standard spawn point. Gina will usually be seated on a small box beside a larger one that houses a radio. If Gina is not present, dock your vehicle at the original pickup location to reset her position, ensuring she is near the radio.
Approach the larger box with the radio in Khaimuk Saksit Village. Examine the blank area on the box lid, just right of the radio. The auto-inventory suggestion feature will display the “radio codes” on the left side of your screen. Confirm the action to place the codes on the box. This initiates a dialogue with Gina about the frequencies. After placing the codes, Gina will review the transmissions and provide you with an article.
Note: The Tuned In achievement will only unlock once you close the article given by Gina. Ensure the interaction is fully completed to register the achievement.
While you are looking for this across the Gizeh and Sukhothai regions, do also have a look for all Gizeh Relic locations, and all Sukhothai Adventure Books in the game.