The newest addition to the First Descendant roster is Hailey, a Descendant that specializes in Chill damage. With her role as a ranged DPS, there is a lot that you can add to her build to turn her OP. The best part about her build is that you can mix and match the best perks and abilities to see what would suit your playstyle. Since her passive and active skills alone will help tackle most of the Void Intercept bosses, she is mighty powerful from the get go. But with added skill sets, you can definitely turn her into a killing machine
Below we will mention what we feel is the best build for Hailey in the First Descendant. You can alternate between the given modules to see what works best for you, but the modules, weapons, and equipment mentioned here really enhances her skills.
Best Hailey Loadout, Mods, Weapons, And More in The First Descendant
In this guide we are going to focus more on her Zenith Active Skill and forming a build around that. This will be an offensive build which is great for Void Intercept battles. When Zenith is active, Hailey will equip her unique weapon. Hitting targets with her weapon will deal additional Chill damage with increased penetration. This skill is great for targeting weak points of bosses, so having the right mods and attachments are sure to enhance this build. Below are the recommended mods for Hailey
Best Hailey Offensive Boss Mods & Build in The First Descendant

The below modules are perfect for Void Intercept boss fights, as they enhance Hailey’s existing skills while also adding more stats.
- Long-Distance Maneuvering – Increases Max Module Capacity. Also expands range for the Grappling Hook to 25m
- Dangerous Ambush – When the enemy is not targeting you, landing a Skill Attack will increase Skill Power. Attacking immobilized enemies will give increased Skill Power
- Glacial Syncytium – Increases CRIT Hit Resistance and Chill Skill Power
- Front Lines – Increases Skill CRIT Hit Damage and Skill CRIT Hit Rate
- Emergency Measures – Increases CRIT Hit Damage and Skill CRIT Hit Rate
- Shot Focus – Decreases Skill Power Modifier but increases Firearm ATK
- MP Conversion – Reduces Skill Cooldown and Max MP
- Skill Concentration – Increases Skill CRIT Hit Damage
- Chill Specialist – Increases Chill Skill Power
- Increased HP – Increase of Max HP
- Nimble Fingers – Reduces Skill Cooldown Time
Best Hailey Weapon In The First Descendant

We will be going with the Piercing Light as the Zenith unique weapon. This is a light sniper rifle and perfect for Hailey’s Ranged DPS build. Piercing Light is the only other weapon apart from Afterglow that offers higher base firearm ATK. You can either use Afterglow as a secondary weapon or switch to Enduring Legacy. Afterglow is great if you wish to shoot from longer distances, as it offers a range of up to 25 meters. If you are facing bosses with higher fire resistance, the Enduring Legacy’s unique skill can help lower the enemy’s Fire Resistance.
Another good weapon to use is the Thunder Cage SMG, which is great for crowd control because of the weapon’s unique shockwave skill. While this weapon isn’t ideal for boss fights, it is great while you are out in the overworld and during exploration.
Best Modules for Piercing Light in The First Descendant
Since we will be going with Piercing Light as Hailey’s primary weapon, you need the right mods to help enhance it.
- Weak Point Expansion – Increases Weak Point DMG upon Weak Point Hit
- Concentration Stabilizer – Reduces Recoil and increases Firearm CRIT Hit Damage
- Concentration Priority – Increases Firearm CRIT Hit Damage and reduces Reload Time Modifier
- Focus Fire – Increases Weak Point Damage and Firearm CRIT Hit Damage.
- Action and Reaction – Increases Firearm ATK and Recoil
- Weak Point Sight – Increases Weak Point Damage
- Better Concentration – Increases Firearm CRIT Hit Damage
- Expand Weapon Charge – Increases Rounds per Magazine
- Better Insight – Increases Firearm CRIT Hit Rate
- Rifling Reinforcement – Increases Firearm ATK
Best Hailey Reactor In The First Descendant

The Frozen Singularity Reactor is the best for Hailey, as it improves her Chill and Singular skills. This reactor also works well with the Zenith skill for high power scaling, while also applying Storm Snare. Look for the Frozen Reactor that has the Piercing Light mounting optimization to enhance the weapon skills. Besides this, the Frozen Singularity Reactor also applies Skill CRIT Hit Damage and an additional Skill ATK while facing and attacking Colossus bosses.
Best Hailey External Components Set In The First Descendant

The Slayer Auxiliary Power is the best for Hailey’s offensive boss build. This set can greatly enhance her power and will help deal immense damage over time. If you are going for this set, then you need to set the right bonuses. For the first bonus slots, try to keep HP, Defense, and Shields for additional Defense. You need to focus on Hailey’s defensive side since she is a pure attack build. Besides this, for the secondary bonus, stick to elemental resistance and Max Resources. This set also helps in keeping Cold Fury active, which is a requirement for her kit
Best Hailey Normal Build in The First Descendant
If you don’t want to focus too much on boss fights and want to make exploration your priority, then you won’t require these heavy duty mods and weapons. Rather, you can tone it down a bit while also keeping Hailey’s skills in mind and enhancing them.
Best Hailey Normal Build Mods In The First Descendant
- Front Lines – Increases Skill CRIT Hit Damage and Skill CRIT Hit Rate
- Shock Punch – The Charged Sub Attack is modified. When making a Charged Sub Attack, strike with a Shock Punch. Max Module Capacity increases as Enhancement Level increases
- Enlightenment – Increases Max MP
- Energy Collection – Increases MP Recovery
- Skill Concentration – Increases Skill CRIT Hit Damage
- Skill Insight – Increases Skill CRIT Hit Rate
- Singular Specialist – Increases Singular Skill Power Modifier
- Chill Specialist – Increases Chill Skill Power
- Increased DEF – Increases DEF
- Increased HP – Increases Max HP
- Nimble Fingers – Reduces Skill Cooldown
Best Hailey Normal Build Weapon In The First Descendant
You can either go for the Guardian R4 or the Thunder Cage SMG. The Guardian R4 is a great weapon for its boosted ATK power and also offers bonus Firearm ATK. With the right mods, you can easily enhance the CRIT damage rate and also improve the firearm hit damage. The Guardian R4 is more preferred since Hailey specializes in ranged DPS, making this weapon more ideal. But the Thunder Cage can be used as a secondary weapon to get you out of tight situations and for mob control.
That’s all there is to know about the best Hailey build in The First Descendant. You can also check out our other The First Descendant guides like How To Get Hailey In The First Descendant and The First Descendant – Follow Their Traces Quest Guide