Path of Exile 2 has streamlined the crafting system as compared to the previous game. Systems such as Metacrafting have been completely removed from the previous game, and other parts made easier. However, even with these changes, there is still complexity attached to the mechanics behind the crafting. Here we will break down the crafting system of Path of Exile 2.
List Of All Crafting Items Guide In Path Of Exile 2

Here we will take a look at every little thing you need to know about crafting. We will start from scratch to help you pick up the pace of it.
- Find the Gear to Upgrade
- Gear Color System
- Crafting System Behind Path of Exile 2
- How to Upgrade Gear in Path of Exile 2
- How to Improve the Quality of the Gear
- List of Crafting Materials
- Disenchanting and Shard Details
Find The Perfect Gear To Upgrade
Before jumping into the crafting and upgrade system you need to find the perfect gear to upgrade. Here we should look at the affixes attached to the gear. Some of them will have more than one affix while others might not have any of them on the list. Affixes are additional perk bonuses to the gear, for example, 15% Life Steal or Bonus Regeneration to Energy Shield.
Each one of these bonuses will be regarded as Affixes, if you have a blue color gear, you will have 2 affixes built. Basically, affixes are modifiers to a single gear, and we can add x6 affixes to a gear via crafting. And then we can also later improve the base stats with more crafting. This is important, so that you do not waste resources into upgrading or crafting a gear only to find an upgraded one, or a different better one as a drop in the next battle. Take your time, and be reasonably sure of the weapon/gear that you want to craft or upgrade.
- Hunt for a gear that is around your current level. So we can turn the gear from blue to yellow or grey to yellow.
- If you don’t have any gear, then you can buy it from the traders in any city.
- Look for the gear with the best stats, it doesn’t matter the color, with the upgrade we can make them blue or yellow. But good base stats on the gear are important and will help us massively in the battle.
- When you are choosing a gear to upgrade, always focus build in mind. Always ask questions, about how can piece of gear will help or improve my current build.
Gear Color System
Here the color system comes into play, different color gears will have different numbers of affixes and rarity in the game. Knowing about the importance of colors attached to gear will help us figure out the best way to craft a gear.
- Grey Gear (Normal): The very basic level gear that comes with no colors, you will not find any affixes on the list. Every perk will be written on a white next, nothing fancy. A very common type of item in the game.
- Blue Gear (Magic): Here we finally go into the uncommon territory, these gears will have max 2 affixes on them. The perks will be written in Blue Text, the item here is less common and drops only from Elites and opening chests.
- Yellow Gear (Rare): The affix count raises from 2 to 6 here. The perks will be written in blue Text but the color of the Gear’s name will be under the yellow background. Unlike Blue-gear, yellow ones are RNG, it can drop from bosses and quality chests.
- Orange Gear (Unique): They are seen as legendary gear in the game. The most unique item in the game is definitely hard to find, you will not come across any of them by slaying a common boss.
Perfect Gear to Upgrade
Once you have chosen the gear to upgrade, here we will go through the basics of crafting.
Crafting System Behind Path Of Exile 2

Open up your stash, and head to the Materials section. here we can just drag the materials into the gear to transform them to higher level gear.
Now here is where the importance of materials comes into play. Specific materials will be needed for the upgrade. Hunting down the materials becomes another task on the list. Since they don’t come by pretty easily, like many items, you will need to look for them in the game world.
How To Upgrade Gear In Path Of Exile 2
You need to be aware of the material type and its effect on the gear before upgrading. The highest number of affixes a single gear can have is 6. So our goal is to add 6 affixes on a gear type with one or no affixes. How do we do that? Well, from crafting to adding specified materials to the gear.
Note: The perks or affixes you will gain by upgrading the item to a different rarity will all be random. Keep shuffling to hit the one that you desire from the crafting.
- Adding Affixes to Magic Items: If you have a blue gear and want to add an affix, then drag the Orb of Augmentation from the material section and drop it into the gear. Once dropped, the gear will gain an extra affix. The highest here is 2x, meaning, you can only have 2 affixes on a Magic or blue-colored gear. If you add an extra Orb of Augmentation on a 2-affixed blue gear, you will shuffle the already achieved affix with a random one.
- Upgrading Magic Item to Rare Item: Here we use Regal Orb material to turn any magic item into a rare item. The color will change from blue to yellow in an instant. Once you add a Regal Orb, you will add an extra affix to the gear, on the top of 2 from before. So, now we have 3 extra bonuses attached to the gear.
Note: Regal Orb can be earned by disenchanting any Rare items in the game. Once you disenchant a rare item you will get Regal Shards, getting 10 of them will give you a Regal Orb.
- Adding More Affixes up to 6: Since we know the number of affixes caps at 6 we only have three. To add more affixes, instead of Orb of Augmentation, here we use Exalted Orb. Once you use a single Exalted Orb, the affix count will hit 5. Using another Exalted Orb will make the affix count hit 6.
- Upgrading Common Item to Rare Item: If you want to take a common grey item in the game to rare, then you must use the Orb of Alchemy to reach the rarity color.
How To Improve The Quality Of The Gear

The improvement will have an effect on the baseline gear stats.
The next step is to raise the quality, just like the previous upgrade, this one is also RNG. Instead of upgrading the rarity of the weapon, here we focus on the quality of armor, wands, or weapons. To achieve it, we have new crafting materials you will find on the left of the Materials menu directly below the materials we used to add affixes to the gear.
- Blacksmith’s Whetstone: Improves melee weapons
- Armour Scrap: Improves Armor Pieces.
- Arcanist’s Etcher: Perfect for wands, staves, and scepters.
- Glassblower’s Bauble: Improves the quality of the flask.
- Gemcutter’s Prism: Improves the quality of the skill gem.
- Artificer’s Orb: It will add a socket into the gear.
Once you drag and drop the materials into the weapon, you will see the changes in + Armor or + Energy Shield stats. When you get comfortable using a weapon, the next best thing is to improve the base stats by using the materials listed above.
List Of Crafting Materials In Path Of Exile 2

Here is the list of crafting materials in the early access of Path of Exile 2. If you don’t have the weapon identified, then you can use Scroll of Wisdom to handle it.
Materials | Type | Description |
Orb of Transmutation | Common | Turns Normal Item into Magic Item |
Orb of Augmentation | Common | Adds 1 Affix into Magic Item |
Orb of Alchemy | Common | Turns Normal Rare item into Rare Item with 4x Affixes |
Exalted Orb | Common | Random Affix to a Rare item |
Orb of Chance | Uncommon | Random upgrades Normal Item to a Rare, Magic, or Unique item |
Chaos Orb | Uncommon | Replace one Affix from a Rare item with another one |
Artificer’s Orb | Uncommon | Add Socket to the gear |
Regal Orb | Uncommon | Turns Magic Item into Rare Item |
Orb of Annulment | Rare | Removes one Affix from a Magic or Rare item |
Divine Orb | Very Rare | Rerolls the values of Affixes |
Vaal Orb | Very Rare | Corrupts the Item, random modifying it |
Jeweller’s Orb | Very Rare | Adds additional Sockets to the item |
Disenchanting & Shard Details
Since you are now familiar with crafting, it’s time to learn about breaking the item to get the crafting materials for the upgrade. Path of Exile 2 does allow you to disenchant any item to get the materials you need for the upgrade.
- Find 10 Transmutation Shards to earn Orb of Transmutation.
- Gain 10 Alchemy Shards to earn Orb of Alchemy.
- Collect 10 Chance Shards to earn Orb of Chance
- You will need 10 Regal Shards to earn Regal Orb.
- Collect 10 Artificer’s Shards to earn Artificer’s Orb.
- Gain 20 Annulment Shards to earn Orb of Annulment.
- Obtain 20 Chaos Shards to gain Chaos Orb.
- Gather 20 Exalted Shards to craft Exalted Orb.
To disenchant an item head to Una at Clearfell Camp or Zarka in Ardura Caravan. When you disenchant a Magic item you will obtain Transmutation Shards, and breaking down a Rare item will result in Regal Shards.
And that completes everything that you need to know on crafting in Path Of Exile 2. Do check out our guide on Skill Gems in Path of Exile 2, another vital component of working towards that perfect build in the game.