Zombie Dragon is the first real boss encounter in Suikoden 1 HD Remaster, and surviving its blue fire breath takes some doing. And that’s exactly what we attempt to guide you on here: an effective strategy to beat the Zombie Dragon in Suikoden Remaster.
Zombie Dragon Boss Overview

HP: 3700
Type: Boss
Weakness: Fire
Resistances: None
Recommended Level: 17
Equip the Fire Rune
The Zombie Dragon is weak against fire, we must use this factor to our advantage. Here go to the Rune section and equip Fire Rune on Cleo. Flaming Arrows, Firestorms, and Dancing Flames will be the ingredients for our damage recipe here.
- Flaming Arrows (5)– 100 Damage to 1 Enemy
- Firestorm (3)– 150 Damage to all the Enemies.
- Dancing Flames (1)– 400 Damage to all enemies.
All three fire abilities will wreak havoc on the battlefield against the Zombie Dragon. Remember to count the amount of times you can use the Fire Rune abilities, there is a number attached to all of them. You can only use Dancing Flame once, Firestorm has 3 uses and Flaming Arrows has 5.
Leveling To Lv. 17 Or More

To stand a chance against the Zombie Dragon, I highly recommend that you be at least at Level 17. A good farming spot that worked for me to level up is the Great Forest, where you will encounter enemies: Holly Boy, Holly Spirit, and Kobold (Bow & Sword). Always make a save in the Great Forest before carrying out the grind. Equip the Fortune Orb while farming.
Buy Healing items
Purchase Water Orb for 7000 Potch to unlock the Drops of Kindness spell. This allows you to fully heal all of your allies, and remove all negative status effects. Having the spell is a must when you are going against the Zombie Dragon. It is not a bad idea to get as many Medicines or Mega Medicines as possible.
Strategy to Defeat the Zombie Dragon

- Open the fight with your heaviest and best attacks. Use the Fire Rune ability on Cleo, and unleash the Dancing Flames. While you only use it once, the effect of the attack will leave a burning status on the Dragon.
- On your next turn, use the Firestorm and later, Flaming Arrows on the dragon. Now with all the offensive attacks out of the way, we will focus on defensive tactics. For the rest of the party members, use the common Attack.
- The dragon will release a blue fire breath against all the party members. Prepare to use medicines if things get rough.
Note: Some players have experienced the Zombie Dragon performing the blue flame breath attack multiple times in the match, making the fight impossible without the healing items.
Keep using your Fire Rune abilities against the dragon and heal if the dragon starts to pull fire breath attacks repetitively. Another rune that will come in handy here is the Clone Rune, which enables DMGx2 to one enemy but it will inflict Imbalance on the character after using it in the battle.
Reward: After beating the Zombie Dragon, you will obtain a Lightning Rune Piece.