If you want to get 100% on all achievements in Stalker 2, you need to know about Stalker’s Smarts achievement because you can easily miss this and lose the chance to get it in your current play through. If you have yet to do all the side missions in Zaton, you may still have a chance at it. This achievement requires you to get a collectible during a mission in a very specific way, which in the normal run of things you would probably not even think of, hence it is highly missable.
Here is how you can get the warehouse parts without sneaking inside the building to get the Stalkers Smarts achievement in Stalker 2.
How To Get Stalker’s Smarts Achievement In Stalker 2

To get the Stalker’s Smarts achievement in Stalker 2, you must obtain the required warehouse parts without entering the building it’s in during the mission “The Side Hustle”. This mission is obtained by talking to the Technician at Camp Icarus. You can only obtain this mission from the Technician after completing the main mission “Like a Moth to the Flame”. If the quest still does not unlock, complete the “Shock Therapy” mission and return to the Technician.
After you start “The Side Hustle” side mission, it will point you to the Railway Maintenance Facility toward the north of Camp Icarus. You may have passed through this location and looted it already but these warehouse parts don’t spawn unless this mission is started. Once you get here, the objective marker will point you to go in the building and do it the normal way but don’t do that because you won’t be able to get the Stalker’s Smarts achievement in Stalker 2.
Here is how you can get the warehouse parts without going inside:
- Go around the building on the side parallel to the railway track and find the window which has a bag slightly hanging out of it.
- Go to the front of the train that is directly in front of this window.
- You can use the headlamp of the train and the slight ledge above it to jump up onto the roof of the train.
- Now walk ahead and line yourself up to the window with the bag that contains the warehouse parts.
- From here you need to jump and spam your interaction key while keeping your aim at the bag and try to get it while in mid-air. This can take a few tries before you get it.
Once you get the parts, you will get the Stalker’s Smarts achievement in Stalker 2 if you never entered the building and only got it by jumping off the train. If you have already done this mission then unfortunately, there is no way to redo it for your current save. You will have to either load up an earlier save and replay everything or do it in a separate play-through.
The game also has several locks with keycodes that hide some good gear behind them. We have an article that lists out the codes for all such lock puzzles in Stalker 2, you may want to bookmark this page as you keep running across these puzzles in your play through.