Another iconic puzzle from the original Silent Hill 2 makes a comeback in the remake, the Blue Creek Apartment Clock Puzzle. While not the hardest in the game, that says a lot if you remember the later puzzles in Silent Hill 2. Blooper Team did a fantastic job in bringing the classic puzzles from the original to the new modern take. Here is the guide to crack the Blue Creek Apartments Clock puzzle.
Guide To Solve The Grandfather Clock Puzzle In Blue Creek Apartments

The Grandfather Clock Puzzle is located in Room 212 at Blue Creek Apartments. There are three parts to acquire to solve the Grandfather Clock Puzzle in Silent Hill 2 Remake:
- the Hour hand by solving the Radio Puzzle
- the Minute hand
- the Second hand by solving the Seesaw Puzzle & Moth Room Puzzle
The game throws different variations of the puzzle in Silent Hill fashion, which ends the puzzle under the Easy difficulty setting and will not be the same as the game on Hard Standard, or Normal settings.
In a classic Silent Hill fashion, we also get a poem next to it, it reads:
Henry fears Scott, he’ll run from him and hide,
He’s fled to the west, to the other side.
But here comes Mildred, with unknown intent,
Scott lies face down, blind to her descent.
Note: Unlike most of the puzzles in the game, the Grandfather’s Clock Riddle Changes with the Difficulty of the game but the answers stay the same.
Let’s look at the steps to get each of the three hands for the Grandfather Clock Puzzle one by one
How To Get The Hour Hand For The Grandfather Clock Puzzle

The Hour hand is part of the Radio Puzzle, and to solve this puzzle we need to turn three valves in three specific locations.
Radio Puzzle Location
- Here make your way to Room 307 which has a giant Radio hanging off the ceiling inside the cage box. Like many old devices, the Radio here has a meter on the front, and we can see a hand working as an indicator inside the meter. That’s the hand we need to use to solve the puzzle in the Grandfather clock.
Find The Key To Room 306
- From the radio, go through the door on the right. You will notice a valve spot without any valve installed in it.
- From the valve spot, turn left and go through the orange door, It will take you outside the room. Here crawl through the window on the right with white paper coming out of it and you will find the key to Room 306 on the table with a mirror and candles.
- From the table, Turn the fire valve #1 on the left, this will release the door right of the valve (locked before). Now with the shortcut opened, make your way to Room 306.
Find The Valve In Room 304

- With the key to Room 306 in our possession, we can open the door to the room, and then crawl through a narrow space to get the locked Room 304.
- In Room 304, we will find the Second Valve on the west of the room, But unlike the valve before, once you turn this one, it will break and will be added to your inventory.
Solve The Radio Puzzle & Get The Hour Hand

We can now use the valve we picked up from Room 304 to turn the valve in the Radio Room. The radio will drop off the ceiling right on the table below and we can now take the Hour hand.
Go back to the room with the Grandfather Clock, insert the Hour hand and tune it to 9. With that, we just unlocked Room 210 or H Room.
How To Get The Minute Hand For The Grandfather Clock Puzzle

If you have played the original, then you are probably waiting for the moment where James shoves his entire hand into the toilet. Well, it’s time to see it happen again with realistic graphics.
- Make your way to Room 210, once you are in the room, go to the kitchen, here you will find a breakable wall next to the microwave on the table.
- The other side awaits the bathroom with a toilet in the center. Time to roll up the sleeve and pull the Minute Hand out of the toilet.
Insert the Minute Hand in the Grandfather Clock to unlock Room 202 or Moth Room.
How To Get The Second Hand For The Grandfather Clock Puzzle

Unlike Hour Hand and Minute Hand, the Second Hand will not come that easy, you are going to do two puzzles to acquire it. We have put the steps into sections to make it easier.
- Solve the Seesaw Puzzle to get the Key of Resilience
To complete the puzzle we will need three specific items:- Pigeon Figurine
- Wooden Swan Head
- Malformed Figurine Part
- Solve the Moth Room Puzzle to get the Combination Code
How To Complete The SeeSaw Puzzle

Here we need to collect a Pigeon Figurine, a Wooden Swan Head, and lastly a Malformed Figurine Part.
Seesaw Puzzle Item # 1 Pigeon Figurine
Once you are in the hallway outside of the bathroom door, look to your right, on the first shelf of the cupboard, you will find a Pigeon Figurine. Which leaves only two items on the menu.
Seesaw Puzzle Item # 2 Wooden Swan Head
Here make it to the north of Room 211 in Blue Creek Apartment, second floor. You will find a breakable wall, use the melee weapon to break the wall to get inside.
Once you are inside turn right and then left, you will come across a room with yellow lights with two monsters. If you look at the wall, you will see the shadow of the Wooden Swan Head projected on the wall. A nice environment of storytelling here, now you can cross the second item off the menu.
Seesaw Puzzle Item # 3 Malformed FIgurine Part
Get out of room 211, now and make it to Room 209 on the second floor in Bluecreek Apartment. Here open the door to the right, and you will arrive in the bedroom. Once you are in the bedroom, look to your left, you will see a broken wall, go through it.
Then immediately turn right, and then left, you will arrive in the bathroom. The Malformed Fiugirne part will be hanging over the tub. Break the glass around the tub to access it.
Solve The Seesaw Puzzle
Get out of room 209, and make it to Room 210, the seesaw puzzle will be right next to the TV northeast of Room 210.
- First, put the Pigeon Figurine at the far end of the left hole on the seesaw scale.
- Then combine the Malformed Figurine Part with the Wooden Swan Head to make a complete piece that balances the scale instead of tipping on one side.
- Once you have combined the parts, put the Wooden Swan figurine part in the 2nd hole on the right. This will balance the scale weight, breaking the part in the middle.
Once the thing holding the seesaw breaks, you will obtain the Winged Key item.
Use The Winged Key To Get The Key Of Resilience

On the left of the seesaw puzzle, right next to the TV, is a door you can finally unlock with the Winged Key. You will come across a giant hole in the ground since it’s a Silent Hill game, just close your eyes and jump. This will take you from the second floor of the Bluecreek Apartment to the First Floor.
Here make your way to Room 109, you will have to use the broken wall, as most of the doors here are permanently locked. Once you open the door to Room 109, interact with another door right ahead to trigger the iconic cutscene with Angela.
After that, right on the drawer, grab Angela’s Knife and The Key of Resilience. With the key in our possession, head to the Door, west of Room 111. Use the Key of Resilience to open the door. Now make your way to the Second Floor of Bluecreek Apartment.
How To Solve Combination Lock Puzzle In Moth Room

Here make it to room 202 to solve a moth puzzle to open up the combination lock. Difficulty will factor in the number here, so make sure to put the proper number on the Combination Lock.
- Easy Difficulty: Insert the code 582
- Normal Difficulty: Insert the code 373
- Hard Difficulty: Insert the code 522
Note: There are two hidden Moths, only accessible by destroying a wall left of the Moth’s display case.
To solve the puzzle you will need to count all the Dots, Moon, and Skulls present on each moth inside the Moth room. Pay attention to the number of symbols present in each Moth. You will find:
- 2x Skull Symbol
- 5x Dots Symbol
- 8x Moon Symbol
Now we just have to solve a math problem next to the combination locker. The difficulty will change the math problem next to the lock, Basic division and Addition are how we reach the final number for each lock.
Once the door opens, it’s time to shove the entire hand down the hole with green slime coming out of it and grab the Second Hand for the Grandfather Clock.
Solving The Grandfather Clock Puzzle

Go back to the Clock room and attach all the three hands. We now have to tune the hands to the correct time:
- Tune the Hour Hand to 9.
- Tune the Minute Hand to 2.
- Tune the Second Hand to 3.
Note: Changing the difficulty of the game will impact the riddle here. But the answer stays the same. You can use the same timing on the Grandfather Clock on Easy, Normal, or Hard difficulty settings without dealing with any new hassle.
With the clock and puzzle solved, it’s time to hit the first floor of the Bluecreek Apartments to end the journey of this section. Make sure to grab everything off the Apartment before moving to the last section.
Silent Hill 2 Remake has a few of these mind-benders when it comes to puzzles and collecting items to solve them. If you are stuck at any of these, do check out our guides on the Lakeview Hotel Locked Briefcase puzzle, the X-Ray puzzle, the Hand Bracelet puzzle or the Wood Side Apartments Coin Puzzle.