The RNG map system has made the Path of Exile 2 one of the best games to play repeatedly. But it certainly left many quests quite challenging to tackle, as the precise location to start off the quest also changes. When you are in Act 1, you will get a Treacherous Ground quest from Renly. The quest contains one of the coolest early boss fights against The Devourer in Path of Exile 2. Here is a complete guide to finishing the Treacherous Ground quest in Path of Exile 2.
Treacherous Ground Quest Walkthrough

Treacherous Ground will begin once you finish off Reaching Clearfell. Here in the Clearfell Encampment, you will meet Renly. He is part of many quests in Path of Exile 2, talking to him will kick off the first phase of the quest Treacherous Ground. Here is the list of objectives entailed in the quest.
- Search Clearfell for the entrance to the Mud Burrow
- Find the Devourer in its lair
- Slay the Devourer
- Talk to Renly for your reward
Quest Description will read “Find the Devourer in its Mud Burrow and slay it so that the Ezomytes can safely leave the walls of Clearfell once more.”
We just have to find the Mud Burrow and defeat the Devourer inside to complete the quest.
Objective #1: Search Clearfell for the Entrance to the Mud Burrow

Location: Clearfell
The RNG system will make the map appear different every playthrough. So we can’t hand you the direct guide to the entrance of Mud Burrow. The only option you have here is to run around the Clearfell until you come across the entrance to the Mud Burrow.
If you open the world map you will see the Mud Burrow extension northern region of Clearfell, you should start your search for the Mud Burrow in the north of clear-fell to find the area. You will also find a waypoint near the area.
Objective #2: Find the Devourer in its lair
Location: Mud Burrow
Get inside the Mud Burrow until you find the large area inside, Like any boss the Devourer is no different; it resides in the large area. You will also find a checkpoint right in front of the boss fight area that will serve as a respawn point, just in case things do turn south for you.
Most of the enemies in the Mud Burrow are simple and easy to kill. A quick roll and block will fend off almost all the enemies in the area until you reach the boss zone.
Objective #3: Slaying the Devourer

We will recommend you to farm before tackling this fight. The fight can be a bit difficult if you head in unprepared. If you are out of potions, get some from the town and equip the best armor you can get your hands on before charging in the battle.
- Melee and Spin Tail Attack: Dodge the melee and Spin Tail attacks, staying too close to the Devourer has its own risk. Block if you can’t seem to roll past the attacks. The Spin Tail attack is an AOE attack, so make sure to avoid it
- Acid Spray Attacks: Dodge any area with green spots, staying inside will damage you consistently and soon you will see your health turn green from red.
- Bug Spawning Attack: The Devourer will also summon bugs, and get rid of them as fast as you can rather than leave any window open for them to land an attack on you.
Objective #4: Talk to Renly about your reward

Once you take down the Devourer, take the loot and head back to the Clearfell Encampment and talk to Renly to end the questline. You will receive the Uncut Support Gem, and kick off the next quest on the line.
Quest Description here will read “You have slain the Devourer and have received a reward from Renly.“