With each Act you are in, you have to clear the main questline and also partake in the side quests to meet the various bosses and get the required rewards. In Path of Exile 2, you will encounter several quests as you meet the NPCs or unlock new exploration points. A Crown of Stone quest has a very formidable boss encounter towards the end of it, and the questline itself can be a bit confusing to follow. In this guide we will show you how to complete A Crown of Stone quest and defeat Zalmarath the Colossus in Path of Exile 2.
How To Start A Crown Of Stone Quest In Path Of Exile 2

To start this quest, first go through the main Path of Exiles 2 quest Trails of Corruption. During this quest, you get to visit Ardura Caravan as part of one of the objectives. Once you reach here, speak to Sekhema Asala, one of the NPCs, to get the Crown of Stone quest amongst other side quests from her.
A Crown Of Stone Quest Guide In Path Of Exile 2
After picking up the quest, make your way to the Valley of Titans to locate The Titan Grotto. You will find the Valley of Titans in the Desert Map. Once you have reached here, look around for three Ancient Seals; namely Sundari, Rajendra, and Shakti. They can be anywhere on the map, so you need to explore every inch of it to find it. This area is also swarming with various monsters, so go in fully prepared. Whenever you find an Ancient Seal, interact with it and also activate the checkpoint beside it.

After locating and activating all three seals, a new marker will appear on your mini-map. Make your way towards the marked location to enter the Titan Grotto. Now, your task is to find the Rite of Flame Altar, which is in the room called Dais of Reckoning. You need to keep exploring the Grotto to locate it, the only indication that you have reached the area is a lone checkpoint outside the Dais of Reckoning. Next, step on the Rite of Flame Altar to start the Zalmarath, the Colossus boss fight.
Zalmarath, the Colossus Boss Fight Guide in Path of Exile 2
This boss fight can drag on for quite a while, as it would be a bit harder to pin Zalmarath down for a hit. But you have to complete this fight fast, otherwise you will be left without a platform to fight on. With each hit of Zalmarath’s laser beam, the platform will start breaking away. Before you jump in, you need to prepare your build to tackle such an enormous boss.
Zalmarath, The Colossus Fight Preparation
Zalmarath will attack you with its giant sword, and will also deal fire attacks with a couple of laser beam attacks. This boss’s main weakness is Cold, so a frost build will work well here. Melee builds will have a harder time trying to tackle the boss unless the boss drops or places their arms on the battle arena. The boss will mostly keep its distance and use plenty of ranged attacks, making this fight even more challenging.
How To Beat Zalmarath, The Colossus

The boss will use its large sword and slam the tip in the middle of the arena. They will then pull the sword backwards or forwards, both of these attacks can be avoided with a timely dodge and roll. The boss will also stab the sword sideways, but this can be avoided if you keep an eye on the sword’s direction. Besides the sword, Zalmarath will also use their arm to slam down or perform a swipe from either direction, trying to grab you in the process. It will also slam its hand into the ground, which can also be dodged. But while the arm is on the ground, quickly get in and hit it.

Run backwards and dodge the attacks, then quickly jump in and attack the arm. Following the arm swipe, the boss will stab or slash their sword into the ground, so you need to get out of the way quickly to avoid it. Eventually, the boss will slam their sword into the ground and let go of it. This is your cue to get behind the sword, as Zalmarath will release a large laser beam that will surround the area. Several drones will also spawn in the area and will detonate if it gets close to you. To defeat them, trigger the explosion and run away to avoid impact.

When Zalmarath looks up at the ceiling and releases a laser beam, parts of the ceiling will fall to the ground. This can be dodged if you pay attention to where they are falling, but this will also destroy some parts of the arena. The arena will start getting smaller this way, indicating that it is time to wrap up the fight. When you spot rows being dug into the ground, try to avoid it as Zalmarath will release several beams of fire along the row.

The boss will also spew a beam of laser on the ground, which will be surrounded by several smaller lasers. You can run around the arena to dodge it, but it would be best to get up close to the boss as it is easier to dodge them and get a few hits. Keep repeating all the steps above till the boss is dead and you can claim the Flame Ruby. Pick it up, then head back to The Ardura Caravan and hand it over to Zarka to complete the quest and get an Uncut Support Gem as your reward. You can also check out our other Path of Exile 2 quest guides like The Mad Wolf Of Ogham Quest and Ancient Vows Quest Guide.