As you play through The First Traveller quest in No Man’s Sky, you will face a grave choice to either put Artemis in a simulation to keep him alive or to rather kill him and free him. You will be the sole bearer of this decision which will ultimately decide the fate of Artemis. So when faced with Artemis’s choice to save him or kill him, which one should you choose? Here is what you need to know.
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Which Artemis Choice Should You Pick In No Man’s Sky?

During The First Traveller quest in No Man’s Sky, -null- will task you on obtaining the Mind This will be used to then capture Artemis’s soul into it. After you have successfully transferred the soul into the Mind Arc through Artemis’s frequency on a Holo-Terminus, your next objective will be to go to the Space Anomaly to learn what you can do with the soul.
Talking to Priest Entity Nada and Specialist Polo will reveal two options before you, either to upload Artemis to a Simulation to save him or to allow Artemis to Die by releasing its soul so he may rest in peace.
In my opinion, you should kill Artemis as trapping him inside a simulation just to keep him alive seems like a worse fate for any living being. Releasing his soul will truly free him even though you won’t get to contact him ever again.
What Happens if You Choose to Save Artemis
If you pick the first option to upload Artemis’s soul to a simulation, it will transfer Artemis into a Korvax simulation of a star system so that he may live inside this digital bubble. However, Artemis won’t realize that he is inside a simulation.
Later as you progress through the game, Artemis will contact you on multiple occasions and you will have an option to tell him the truth of how he is not actually alive and instead living inside a simulation. Regardless if you choose to tell him the truth or not, Artemis will be stuck in an infinite loop that will cause your character to realize the gravity of this decision and if they should’ve freed Artemis instead.
What Happens If You Choose to Kill Artemis

When faced with Artemis’s choice to save or kill him, if you decide to release his soul, it will let Artemis finally rest in peace. Artemis will be truly gone and will not contact you again further in the story. However, this seems to be the more morally correct decision rather than putting Artemis in an infinite loop in a simulation.
What are the Consequences of the Artemis Choice in No Man’s Sky?
There is no real impact to the ending or anything game-changing with this decision. It is more of a story thing where you get to decide the fate of Artemis and then live with your chosen decision after working with him throughout most of the game.
The only difference between both options is that saving Artemis will result in him contacting you a few times before the end of the game. If he is not alive then you will get a different flavor text as you near the end when your character ponders if they made the right decision by setting Artemis free.
Since the ending is not impacted by this decision nor is there any change in gameplay or the rewards you get from the quests, you should decide what you think is the best for your playthrough and whether or not you want to be able to talk to Artemis later.