In the latest Infinity Nikki update, you can find plenty of new quests located all around the new Firework Isles. You might even end up finding some rare items within secret locations around here. As part of the Find Fragrance questline, this time you have to find the Budding Medley. For this unique fragrance, you have to enter and explore one of the newer hidden caverns included with the new island, and you also have to defeat a unique boss within it. In this guide we will show you how to get the Budding Medley fragrance in Infinity Nikki.
Find Fragrance: Budding Medley Quest Guide Infinity Nikki

To get the Budding Medley fragrance, head over to the new Firework Isles first. From there, make your way to Songbreeze Highland Hillside waypoint, then head north to enter Songbreeze Highland cavern. Once inside the cavern, you locate the cavern’s boss and defeat it to collect a Budding Medley. The path towards the boss is a bit complicated, so we have detailed it all down below.

- Enter the cavern and jump down to the lower section.
- Once down, you will find a locked door at the end of the passage and a few enemies.
- Defeat the enemies, then make your way up the cave walls.
- You can use the grassy platforms all around the cavern to help you up.
- Eventually, you will find a new entrance above that you can enter.
- Continue to climb up the platforms in the new area till you find a new opening
- There will be a rocky bridge, go through the bridge to get to the other side and reach the boss.
- Don’t forget to pick up a Whim Balloon on the right side once you cross the bridge.

The Budding Medley is protected by an Esseling, and you need to defeat the boss to get to it. Once the Esseling spots you, it will spawn minions to attack you. Defeat the minions first, then hit the Esseling boss with heavy attacks. Eventually, the Esseling will open its mouth and spew several purple orbs that will land randomly around you. You will also notice a larger purple orb in its mouth. You need to hit the orb in its mouth to deal damage while simultaneously dodging the smaller purple orbs.
Each time it opens its mouth, try to land some heavy attacks at the orb inside the mouth. The boss can also rush at you and hit you, so keep running around the area to dodge any direct hits while waiting for it to reveal the purple orb. Sometimes, your hits can stun it, so use this time to clear out any minions around the area. Eventually, the boss will be purified, and you can get to the chest containing the Budding Medley and also collect 20* Diamonds, 80* Threads of Purity, and 20,000* Bling after completing the quest.