The achievement hunting in Indiana Jones & The Great Circle earns you around 1000 Gamerscore carrying 45 achievements in total. Hunting them down will take time and finding your way through a lot of puzzles. Here we have listed everything on how to get all 45 achievements in Indiana Jones & The Great Circle.
List Of All 45 Achievements In Indiana Jones And The Great Circle
There are 45 achievements in the Indiana Jones & The Great Circle. You can achieve all of them in a single playthrough. You can play the entire game on the difficulty that suits your playstyle. There are no difficulty-based achievements in the game.
- Story Achievements (x8)
- Fieldwork Achievements (x9)
- Mysteries Achievements (x3)
- Unique Area Based Achievements (x3)
- Combat Achievements (x8)
- Collectibles Achievements (x8)
- Miscellaneous Achievements (x6)
Currently, two achievements can be deemed as Missable. One of them is due to a bug but we have listed out a fix to solve it, and the other requires a bit of timing but it can be achieved, even if you mess it up, we have listed the details of the fix on the achievement as well.
Story Achievements In Indiana Jones And The Great Circle

Since the game is fairly linear, you will not have to make any drastic decisions at the end to change the storyline in a different direction. All the achievements in this section can be earned simply by playing the game.
- The Golden Idol
Sets the prologue to the game, you will earn it once you beat the intro.
- The Break-In
Complete the mission “The Break-In” at the Marshall College.
- The Stolen Cat Mummy
Complete the mission “The Stolen Cat Mummy” in the Vatican.
- The Idol of Ra
Complete the mission “The Idol of Ra” in the Gizeh.
- A Harsh Climb
Complete the mission “A Harsh Climb” in the Himalayas.
- Into the Fire
Complete the mission “Into the Fire” in Shanghai.
- The Blessed Pearl
Complete the mission “The Blessed Pearl“ in Sukhothai.
- Atonements
Complete the mission “Atonements” in Iraq.
By the time you reach the end of the game, you will have all these eight achievements in your bag.
Fieldwork Achievements In Indiana Jones And The Great Circle

Out of the 9 Fieldwork quests, there are 3 in each of the regions – Vatican, Gizeh and Sukhothai. You can always come back to the areas to start the fieldwork at any time. Even if you miss out on any of the fieldwork, you can complete them later. We have listed out the Fieldwork quests basis the region where you get them, and how to start these.
Vatican Fieldworks

- The Mad Priest
East of Vatican City, get to the hallway of the office and pick up Sister Catherine’s Letter to start the fieldwork.
- A Savage Discovery
When you leave the Apostolical Library, you will come across a document in the black military tent, near the library’s exit. This will start the A Savage Discovery Fieldwork.
- A Nun in Trouble
Near the end of the main quest “The Stolen Cat Mummy“, you will meet a journalist named Gina. After a brief moment in the confession booth, you will then need to talk to Gina again in the Sistine Chapel to begin the fieldwork.
Gizeh Fieldworks

- Secret of the Queen Mother
During the Idol of Ra questline in Gizeh, you will talk to Omar to kick off the fieldwork Secret of the Queen Mother. We have an excellent guide to help you prepare for everything for this fieldwork.
- Sanctuary of Guardians
When you find Gina watching over the radio frequencies in the Nawal’s Tent. Here, you must speak to her to start the Sanctuary of Guardians fieldwork. Here is our guide to help you solve many puzzles in this fieldwork head-on with no sweat!
- A Savage Predicament
Prerequisite: A Savage Discovery
Once your confrontation with Voss transpires in the Nazi Detention Center, you will come across Professor Savage in the Gizeh village. In Gizeh, Nawal will talk about lost Englishmen in the Gizeh Market, this will serve as a clue to find the professor again to start a new fieldwork.
Sukhothai Fieldworks

- The Kid Who Vanished
After your first visit with Tongdang; take the boat to the south of Sukhothai, and head to the Treehouse location. We need to collect the photo and bring it to Gina to proceed with the fieldwork. Check out our guide to help you figure out the complex puzzle hiding in this fieldwork.
- A Study in Fear
Talk to Pailin in Khaimuk Saksit Village to begin the quest. You must finish The Blessed Pearl’s main questline to kick off this fieldwork. Here you will also come across challenging puzzles, follow our guide to solve the puzzles quickly without taking a one-hour break from the game.
- Lost in the Past
Prerequisite: The Kid Who Vanished
You must finish The Kid who Vanished fieldwork to start this one. There is a complicated puzzle in this fieldwork, check out our guide if you are stuck or have gotten stuck in this section.
Mysteries Achievements In Indiana Jones And The Great Circle

You must finish the mysteries in each region: Vatican, Gizeh, and Sukhothai. Here are the details of the achievements and the mysteries you need to cross over on your checklist.
- When in Rome Achievement: Complete all Vatican Mysteries:
- The Bulls of Blood
- A Date to Remember
- Father and Son
- A Free Spirit
- House of God
- Secret of Secrets
- Signs of Trouble
- A Snake in the Garden
- Secrets in the Sand Achievement: Complete all Gizeh Mysteries:
- Bright Future
- Cloud Atlas
- Fortune’s Reach
- The Haunting
- Seat of Eternity
- A Thief’s Promise
- Beneath the Surface Achievement: Complete all Sukhothai Mysteries:
- Child’s Play
- Counting Letters
- Elephant in the Room
- A Game of Wits
- Monkey Business
- Path of Tigers
- Timely Arrival
Unique Area-Based Achievements

Here we will take a look at three achievements unique to their respective areas. Each area, the Vatican, Gizeh, and Sukhothai has one such particular challenge that we must complete to earn the trophy.
- Path of Junia
Location: The Vatican
Clean the lenses on your camera because this achievement wants you to take a picture of 10 inscriptions all across the Vatican map. If you are having difficulty tracking them down on your own, follow our guide to help you along your journey.
- It Belongs in a Museum!
Location: Gizeh
Here we must collect 10 Gizeh Steles throughout the map. They can be difficult to track down as some of them are part of the main quest. Do check our guide to pinpoint each of Gizeh Steles at once without needing to backtrack to the areas.
- Gear Head
Location: Sukhothai
The Gear Head achievement can be earned after finishing the Cogwheel Puzzle in Sukhothai. There are 6 Cogwheels scattered throughout Sukhothai, you must interact with each to solve them. Follow our guide to make it through the quest quickly to earn the trophy.
Combat Achievements In Indiana Jones And The Great Circle

- Tour de Force
You must defeat all boxing champions in Vatican, Gizeh, and Sukhothai to earn this achievement. You will need to get yourself a uniform and jump into the ring to fight the toughest fighters the game offers. We have an excellent guide to teach you the bells and whistles of boxing to make you prepared for what’s about to come!
- The Right Note
Pick up a guitar and hit the enemy with it. Note that you will encounter different types of guitars in the game. And all of them will be treated as guitars, so pick any type of guitar whether acoustic or electric, and hitting a Nazi will make the same sound. You will find a guitar in Voss’ Camp in Sukhothai.
- Pest Control
Grab a fly swatter, it’s an uncommon item, but once you find it, again hit an enemy with the swatter to pop up this achievement. You will find fly swatters in enemy camps in Gizeh and Sukhothai. If you are on your way to the Vatican, then you will spot some of them lying around the ground. Just grab any one of them and hit a Nazi to earn it.
- Apple of Discord
Here you need to have an apple in your inventory, but instead of eating it, you will have to throw it at any enemy in the game. There is an abundance of apples in the game, so grab one and throw it at any Nazi in the area.
- A Little Tumble
Just push an enemy off the ledge, it will be easier to do this in the Vatican. Many buildings in the region are long, and you will always be on the terrace and rooftops, but instead of walking past the Nazis, now push them off the ledge. You can either push them off the ledge with your hands or with a whip. Pick your poison and paint the street red.
- Your Own Medicine
Use your whip to disarm an enemy, then grab the fallen weapon to knock the enemy out.
- Offensive Defense
Here don’t punch, just counter the enemy’s attack to pop this trophy. To Counter, block the enemy’s attack then hit the attack button on the opposite side of the enemy’s attack. If the enemy throws a jab to your right, then you need to attack him on the left to land the hit. If you are playing on the normal difficulty, a good 4 to 5 counters will be enough to knock the nazis out cold.
- A Slippery Customer
When you go toe to toe with heavyweight enemies, dodge their power attacks. Here they will use both of their hands to land a hit on you, simply dodge backward to avoid the damage and win the trophy.
Collectibles Achievements In Indiana Jones And The Great Circle

- Field Survey
You need to get your hands on 50 journal Notes in the game. The list includes photos and notes. It’s not missable, even if you do miss some of them, you can always head back to the previous areas to grab them.
- Archivist
Collect all the journal Notes in the game. One of the most difficult trophies to earn at the end game. We recommend you start with this one before starting the game, so you will save a lot of backtracking at the end.
Bug Alert: Some have reported encountering a bug with this achievement, even if you have all the Journal Notes in your inventory, the book will only report 99% of journals collected instead of 100%. The only solution seems to be taking a hint picture at the entrance of the Fountain of Confessions in the Vatican.
- Literary Bug
Learn just one ability from Adventure Books. You will find these books in the Vatican, Gizeh, and Sukhothai. This is an easy achievement to unlock, since it requires grabbing only one.
- Bookworm
Once you have picked up ten Adventure Books and learned abilities from them, the achievement will pop up.
- Bookman
Here you need to grab every adventure book and get all the upgrades. A bigger version of the Bookworm achievement.
This achievement is tied to Gizeh, here you will need to get all the radio frequencies in the area and then bring the details to Gina, which will send you to Sukhothai, here you grab another four frequencies and again talk to Gina to earn the achievement.
- Repatriation
You must collect 5 lost artifacts in Vatican, Gizeh, and Sukhothai. There are exploration guides to help you earn it. Once you have all the lost artifacts in your possession, you will earn the achievement.
- Shadows Out of Time (Missable)
You need to have all the Ancient Relics in your inventory at the same time. Make sure to get all of them before hitting the final puzzle in Iraq. The final puzzle strips the relics from your inventory. If you have missed the boat on ancient relics before starting the puzzle in Iraq, you will lose the achievement.
Fix: If you went with the mission then you must roll back the previous save to earn the chance to get this achievement. The only way to earn it is to go back to the save before solving the secret vault puzzle.
Miscellaneous Achievements In Indiana Jones And The Great Circle
- Little Horn
Find a cornetto in the Vatican, you will often find them in trays on a table next to a cup of tea. Pick one of them and start eating it to earn this trophy.
- Bread is Life
Just like cornettos, when you are in Gizeh, you will find Aish Baladi Bread on trays, grab one and start eating it right away.
- Celestial Delight
When you stop at Sukhothai, try their Starfruit to earn this achievement.
- Filling in the Blanks
Just travel to any of your previously visited locations and visit the place to earn the achievement. You will find it in the Travels section of the book, you will see the list of visited places on the left side.
- Ecco!
When you buy the Camera from Ernesto, quickly take a picture of him to pop this achievement. You will find him in the Vatican, when you point the camera at him, he will pose for you.
- Shutterbug
You will need to take an astounding 50 pictures in the game. While it may seem a bit daunting but is fairly easy to acquire, taking pictures of major landmarks and scenery will earn you the achievement pretty quickly.