Risk of Rain 2 has added content available with the launch of Seekers of the Storm DLC – with secret characters to unlock. One such character that is probably the most difficult to unlock – as it has a major dependence on luck and RNG; is the False Son. However, there is still a way to go about it and maximize your chances of getting this unlocked quickly. In this guide, we have put up details on exactly just that – how to unlock the False Son in Risk Of Rain 2 Seekers Of The Storm.
RoR2 Seekers Of The Storm: The False Son

The first step is to reach The Gilded Coast – and that depends on how quickly you can get a Gold Portal. This can happen if you come across an Altar of Gold during your run and have The Gilded Coast as an option to travel to in the Bazaar Between Time. Alternatively, if you are in one of the new stages that require a Halcyon Shrine to go to; in that case you can try finding another Halcyon Shrine on those stages, activate it and it will summon a Gold Portal.
Once you arrive at The Gilded Coast; the next hunt is for an Aurelionite. It will drop a Halcyon Seed on defeat. Equip it in your inventory and approach a Green Portal. You will now need to do the full loop where you find a Halcyon Shrine, get the gold drained, and defeat the boss to open up another Green Portal and go through it. This will need to happen for two times till you arrive at The Prime Meridian.
You can now fight and defeat the False Son with the Halcyon Seed in your inventory and it will unlock the new character for you. You can also check out our guide on how to unlock the Chef in RoR2: Seekers of the Storm.
Risk Of Rain 2 released back in 2020 for PC,PS4, Xbox One and Switch and is a rogue-lite shooter with multi-player support upto 4 players. The Survivors of the Void was the first expansion that released in 2022 for PC and 2023 for consoles; and now the developers have launched Seekers of the Storm with new survivors to team up with, items to loot and environments to explore like the Treeborn Colony, Reformed Altar, Prime Meridian and so on. This has generated enough interest to take the active player count on Steam as on writing this article to an all-time peak of 75k+.