Raking up a bounty in any game is a badge of honor for all the fun you have had in breaking the law. But the second you can’t erase the bounty, a bit of panic starts to creep in as shopkeepers refuse to do business with you and suddenly you are on a manhunt by every law officer in the game. One of the frequent questions that most Shattered Space players have about the game is learning the ways to clear bounty. Some of the bounty systems have their own process to get rid of it. here’s a guide to get rid of Dazra bounty in Starfield.
How To Clear The Dazra Bounty In Shattered Space

You have to clear the bounty the old-fashioned way of paying money to the law and losing XP.
Many players have tried to clear the bounty by going through the old method but it didn’t work. The bounty you raised in Dazra will not show up on the Trackers Alliance Self-Service Bounty Clearance Kiosk.
Method #1:
- Leave the planet and come back later. Talk to any guard roaming around, after getting notified about your crime spree, you will have the option to submit spend a day in Jail, and pay 100 credits to lose the bounty.
Method #2:
- Wait for 24 hours then surrender to the guards down at Dazra. The guards are only hostile for a day, after a whole day, they will immediately notice you but will not attack you on sight. Then you can surrender and spend a night in prison.
Method #3:
- Another simple solution is to go back to the previous save, but if your previous save puts you back several hours, then you must accept the money and XP loss and pay the fine.
Method #4 (PC Only):
- Lastly, if you are playing on a PC, then the sky is the limit, you can always use the console key to open up the command section to get rid of the bounty of Dazra City instantly.
- Type in ‘player.paycrimegold 0 0 002758C5‘ for House Va’ruun #1
- Type in ”player.paycrimegold 0 0 0107BDB6‘ for House Va’ruun #2
Note: If you get attacked by guards, then don’t retaliate, instead choose non-violence by going to sleep for 24 hours. If you fight back, you will raise the overall bounty.
How To Clear Bounty In Starfield?

While in the main game if you want to remove your crime history you must get toTrackers Alliance Self-Service Bounty Clearance Kiosk.
Then you will select the bounty and pay the credits to clear it out. These bounty clearance terminals can be found in many inns, taverns, and bars all around the map. But all that rule doesn’t apply to the bounty in Dazra in Va’ruun’kai.
The aforementioned methods are unusual ways to clear the bounty in Starfield, as the base game already has a mechanic to clear the bounty out. Hopefully, the later updates to the DLC will address this issue and solve the problem by adding Dazra to the clearance terminals.
While you are at it, we have also put up guides on the various quests involving decision making in the Starfield DLC, like the one on Vaeric, or the one here as part of The Scaled Citadel quest. There is even a neat little side quest The Duel, which you may want to look into if you have not done that yet.