Call of Duty Black Ops 6’s Zombies mode is just as challenging as its predecessors. With two new maps to explore, you have to work your way through the zombie-infested city to find new collectibles and unlock new Easter Eggs. The path toward the endgame is just as challenging, and leveling up is the best way to unlock all perks, upgrade weapons, and generally get stronger. While you can simply level up by playing the game, there are some features you shouldn’t miss out while playing BO6.
In this guide we will cover everything on how to level up fast, and get augments easily in Black Ops 6 Zombies.
What Are Augments In BO6 Zombies
Augments are additional boosts that are applied to your Perk-A-Colas, Field Upgrades, and Ammo Mods. You can pick one item to research and level up the Augment of that particular item to unlock new features.
Augments are unlocked after you reach rank 11. You can check out your Augment tree when you make your way to the Zombies main menu. There are three Major and Minor augments per upgrade or perk, and you can unlock and equip just one Major and one Minor Augment per upgrade, mod, or perk. To unlock and upgrade your preferred Augment, you need to level up and earn XP.

You also need to have that Upgrade or Perk unlocked and equipped so it becomes Active Research. You can then complete the objectives within the mode to earn XP and level up your preferred Augmented Research. If you want to switch between your Augmented Research, you can always save and quit, then select a new Augment to research by equipping it as Active Research.
How To Level Up Fast In BO6 Zombies
If you want to quickly unlock every perk Augment, you need to level up. But you will also find that after a certain level, your level progression becomes stagnant. You need to find a way to hunt down as many zombies as possible to help you quickly level up without wasting too much time. If you have a bunch of Double XP tokens just lying around, now is the best time to activate them. After that, pick a map and follow the steps below to start earning XP.
Liberty Falls Map
- If playing on the Liberty Falls map, use the ASG-89 Shotgun and turn on Rampage Inducer. You can find the Rampage Inducer close to the roof spawn point.
- Hunt down zombies from the rooftop till you reach level 8, then make your way over to the Church and use the Pack-A-Punch.
- Some early game perks you can purchase are Quick Revive, Juggernog, and Speed Cola.
- Continue to hunt zombies from the roof to collect Salvage and upgrade your weapon.
- Once you reach level 21, you can plan your exfil. You can quickly get out of there if you have a Chopper Gunner or Mutant Injector.
- The reason we exfil here is because your XP will start stagnating the longer you play beyond level 21.
- Rather, exfil from the map, then load in, rinse and repeat the above steps. You will find that you can unlock Augments much faster this way, and it takes roughly 20 minutes of playtime to unlock each Augment.
Terminus Map
- Load into the Terminus map and equip the Jackal PDW. Also, uncover and use the Rampage Inducer to get faster zombie spawns.
- Activate all three AMPs to activate the Pack-A-Punch and use it frequently to upgrade your weapon.
- Keep killing zombies and upgrading your weapon till you have enough Salvage to purchase the Melee Macchiato.
- After that, head over to the Biolab where the parasites spawn and use the Tactical Raft.
- Drive the raft over the platform where you can spot several clones inside their containers.
- Get out of the Raft and use a melee weapon with the Melee Macchiato perk to hit the raft to push it towards the staircase.

- At some point the raft will catch fire and become unusable, but you can still push it around. Keep pushing it towards the staircase to block the entryway.
- Repeat these steps by getting another raft and blocking the staircase on the other side of the Biolab.
- Make sure that the stairway entrance is completely blocked, as zombies can squeeze through any gaps present.
- Now all you have to do is wait for the zombies to pile up behind both staircases, making it easy for you to shoot them down and collect XP.
- If you want to quit, wait till you are done with the parasite round so you can get a new raft respawn whenever you want to load in and grind for XP.
These are just some of the hacks you can do while playing either on Terminus or Liberty Falls. You can gather as much XP as possible before you even reach round 30. With just half an hour worth of gameplay, you will notice that you can unlock Augments much faster with little effort.
Leveling up Augments will help you to survive and complete the various Easter eggs in the game, like shooting a meteor, or smashing zombies in a bowling alley, or unlocking secret songs in both Terminus & Liberty Falls.