In a game like Valheim, you will need all the help you can to survive. In a game where resource management is key, having an Obliterator to discard unwanted material is a great addition to your base. In this guide, we have put up all the details on how to use the Obliterator in Valheim, as well as how to get Thunder Stone – a required item when crafting the Obliteraror.
How To Craft The Obliterator In Valheim
In order to craft the Obliterator In Valheim, you need the following:
- 8 * Iron
- 4 * Copper
- 1 * Thunderstone
Let’s look at how to collect all the above material to craft the Obliterator.
How To Collect Iron & Copper
Iron: Time to get your feet dirty, grab the pick axe, and head to the Muddy Scrap Piles around Sunken Crypt. Here you will find plenty of Iron for the crafting.
Copper: After the adventure in the Swamp biome, it’s time to hit the Black Forest biome to find some copper.
How To Get The Thunder Stone In Valheim
Thunder Stone can be purchased from Haldor the Trader for 50 Gold who is found roaming in the Black Forest biome.

In order to locate him, you can try looking for a Just open up the map, and look for a white pouch icon. Locating the Trader is in fact the most difficult part of the entire process since his location is not necessarily fixed. However, once you have found the Trader, go over there and talk to him, here you will see the item Thunder Stone all the way bottom of the list.
How To Craft & Use The Obliterator In Valheim
Return to your base, and go to the crafting menu. You will see the Obliterator at the end of the crafting menu. Now that you have collected Iron, Copper and procured the Thunder Stone as well, you are ready to craft The Obliterator. Remember to place it on an empty piece of land around the Forge. It is better not to have it in a corner or near walls and other items; since when it operates, it may cause damage to anything nearby.

Put any item inside the obliterator, and pull the lever next to the machine. A beam of lighting will strike down from heaven to turn your item into a pile of coal dust.
Are you having trouble going through Valheim on your own? let us be your guide, check out: Valheim: How to Unlock The Stone Cutter & Build Stone Buildings or Everything On The Wishbone In Valheim: How To Get, Use & More.