Fallout 76 has, over a period of time, managed to get a good number of gamers to play and keep playing the game, thanks to the several improvements and updates that it has rolled out since launch, and with future updates also being tested out, it looks like the improvement and trend is only going to get better. One of the daily, weekly challenges in the game revolves around getting Nuka Twist, and if you are looking for places to get Nuka Twist in Fallout 76, we have put up a detailed guide below
All Nuka-Cola Twist Locations In Fallout 76
A Nuka Twist is a guaranteed drop on completing these events in Fallout 76 : Most Wanted, Seismic Activity, Spin The Wheel and Tunnel of Love. Lets have a look at each of these.
Most Wanted Event In Fallout 76

The Most Wanted Event in Fallout 76 takes place at the Wild West Showdown in the Ash Heap. The event is announced by Gunther Jenkins, and has you fill the wagon at the centre of the town with 600 buckaroos (rob wooden cutouts of townsfolk with a green light); and then defend it from attacking robots for 3 minutes. The event ends with a fight against a Legendary Sheriff Bot and on defeating it, among other rewards, players will get a Nuka-Cola Twist
Seismic Activity Event In Fallout 76

The Seismic Activity event in Fallout 76 kicks off on detonating a nuke through the Appalachian Automated Launch System at the end of Mission : Countdown. The event has you fighting with a Ultracite Titan over 5 phases, with a minimum amount of damage required to be done in each phase, within a certain period of time to move on to the next phase. The trick here is to destroy the ultracite crystals first to open up the Ultracite Titan to taking damage. If succesfully done, the player will get a Nuka-Cola Twist and several other reward drops at the end.
Spin The Wheel Event In Fallout 76

The Spin The Wheel event in Fallout 76 takes place in the circus tent in the Ash Heap, and will have players spin the wheel that will have either red, blue or yellow challenges. Players will have to successfully complete 5 challenges; which range from boss battles to collecting a certain number of items in the specified time. Once these 5 challenges are complete, players will get many reward drops which includes a guaranteed Nuka-Cola Twist
Tunnel of Love Event In Fallout 76

The Tunnel of Love event in Fallout 76 has you completing several tasks for Mr. Lovely at the Tunnel of Love – collecting 6 * heart decorations, repairing 10 sections of the track, collecting 3 * robot parts; and then emoting 20 times at the wedding. Once all these are done, the event will be considered complete and players will get a Nuka-Cola Twist.
You can also check the Nuka-Cola vending machines at the Nuka-World on Tour for a chance that they have a Nuka-Cola Twist.