If you decide to team up with the Spark faction in Stalker 2, you will go into the mission called “Happiness for Everyone” for your end-game mission which will lead up to a fight with the main villain Faust. Taking down the leader of the monoliths isn’t going to be an easy task as he will throw his whole force of monolithians at you to stop your progress. Here is the strategy you need to beat Faust in Stalker 2 as fast as possible.
Strategy To Beat Faust Easily In Stalker 2

To defeat Faust in Stalker 2, shoot down the 3 Psi-Emitters scattered around the rooftop where this fight takes place. Next, take down the final one on Faust’s hip to remove his invulnerability effect. After that, you can just deal as much damage as possible like any other fight until Faust is finally dead. Destroying these emitters along with one on Faust’s hips will also stop the Faust clones spawning which will also make it much easier.
However, reaching this fight will be tough too. You will face a countless number of monolith soldiers along the way and the typical amount of ammo that you carry on your runs won’t be enough for it. Make sure you carry as much ammo as possible. You will also need the toughest armor possible and one that is in good condition. If you really want to come prepared for this fight you should pick up the best end game gear in Stalker 2.
When fighting against the clones, the best weapon to use is a shotgun, preferably a good one like the Saiga or the Spaz. This is because the shotguns are the only weapons that can one-shot them. Even though you can kill them as quickly with other weapons, killing them with just one shotgun shell will save a lot of ammo to sustain the constant pressure. Other auto weapons will easily run out of ammo before you get to fight Faust properly.
Keep in mind, after the fight with Faust there is a cutscene where Skif falls off a ledge and hangs by his hands where you will have a crucial choice to make. Faust will come and offer his help to pull you up to safety but do not accept his help because he will instantly betray you and let go of your hand resulting in your death.
Choose the option to climb up yourself instead, don’t worry as you won’t need to fight Faust more. Another cutscene will play after which you will find Faust dead for real this time. If you killed Faust and then completed the game but still missing an achievement, you should check out how to unlock the Stalker’s Smarts achievement as it’s easily missable.