LEGO Fortnite combines the beloved elements of LEGO building with the dynamic gameplay of Fortnite, creating a unique survival crafting adventure. With the help of the recent update finally, fast travel is possible. The Battle Bus Stations are new structures that can be built in the open world to help to travel quickly from one point to another without lengthy travel times that were previously necessary.
How To Build Battle Bus Stations In Lego Fortnite
You need to reach the Frostlands biome to build a Bus Station to summon the Battle Bus to your village. The following materials are required to make a bus station:
- 4 * Iron Bars: you can gather iron bars by harvesting raw iron in caves in the FrostLands biome using an epic pickaxe, and then place Iron Ore and 2 Brightcores in a Metal Smelter.
- 2 * Malachite Slabs: Malachite nodes can be found in the peaks in the Frostlands biome dark green deposits, which are harvested using an Epic Pickaxe and then put in the Malachite Slabs at a stone breaker.
- 6 * Frostpine: are found in Frostland Biome, any frostpine tree when cut down with the help of an Epic Pickaxe to get Frostpines.
- 3 * Rift Shards: to collect Rift Shards you will need to destroy Pre Build Battle Bus Stations.
How To Find Battle Bus Stations In LEGO Fortnite
You locate bus stations by exploring the world but there are high chances to find a Bus Stand near the spawn point of your world. A low pulsing sound may be audible when you get near to one. An even better option is to search for the blue light on the roof. The blue light is easier to spot at night.
How To Craft Epic Pickaxe In LEGO Fortnite
To craft an Epic Pickaxe you will need the following
- A fully upgraded Crafting Bench,
- 8 * Obsidian Slabs, and
- 5 * Frostpine Rods
Obsidian can be found in the Dry Valley (desert biome) in the Lava Caves. To harvest the Obsidian find a dark purple or blue formation inside the cave and hit it with the help of a Rare Pickaxe. After obtaining the Obsidian use the stone breaker machine to make Obsidian Slabs.
Frostpine Rods can be crafted using Frostpines and the Lumber Mill.
How To Craft & Use Battle Bus Stations In LEGO Fortnite
You can build your Battle Bus Station after gathering the required materials. The bus station Blueprint is available in the build menu. After getting the blueprint just put the bus station as the desired place.
After successfully placing the bus station you can start using it.
- Go inside the bus station and interact with it
- Select the desired destination
- Confirm it
- Wait a few seconds as the bus arrives, transporting you to your chosen location.
And that completes everything on battle bus station in LEGO Fortnite. Do check out our other guides on the game like the one on how to craft pistols, muskets & cannons or how to upgrade weapons and craft runes in LEGO Fortnite.