When you gain the ability to travel between realms in God of War Ragnarök, you will soon find out the Muspelheim region is blocked off from the access menu. The region is important, it holds the Crucible challenges, and completing them will reward you with great loot and rewards. When you unlock Muspelheim the access to Crucible challenges opens up as well.
Guide To Unlock Trials Of Muspelheim In God Of War Ragnarok
To unlock the Trials of Muspelheim, you must obtain two halves of the Muspelheim Seed. The guide below will cover the location of the two Muspelheim seeds required to travel to the Crucible.
Muspelheim Seed First Half Location

The first half of Muspelheim Seed is located in the Modvitnir’s Rig, an area that appears as a location for ‘The Quest For Tyr’.
- ‘The Quest for Tyr‘. will have you shut down three rigs (Althjof’s Rig, Radvinn’s Rig, and lastly Modvitnir’s Rig).
- Once you reach Modvitnir’s Rig, get off the boat and climb the ledge ahead. Turn to your right and use the Blade of Chaos to climb to the top.
- Look to your left, and grab the Hacksilver x50. Now turn around, look at the yellow glowing switch to your right, and throw your axe at it to lower the gate on the left.
- Jump across the gap and start shimmying on the wooden ledges of the tower until you are at the top. That’s it, you have found the first piece of the puzzle. The item here will read –
Muspelheim Seed Half (Key Items) – ‘One half of a Yggdrasil Seed needed to travel to Muspelheim’s Crucible‘
Muspelheim Seed Second Half Location

The second half of the Muspelheim seed is located in Dragon Beach, south of the Bay of Bounty.
- To get the second seed of Muspelheim, we must complete the Forging Destiny main quest from the Path Questline. You will also need Draupnir Spear to gain access to a previously locked area. Make sure to obtain the spear, it is necessary to get the Muspelheim Seed.
- Head to Dragon Beach, south of the Bay of Bounty, right next to The Watchtower. From the beach, after a short walk, grab the chain to the left to get to the top of the platform.
- You will reach a dead end, here pull out the Draupinr Spear and throw the spear at the wooden beam on the left, so we can use the spear to climb up to the platform above.

- From here the path is straightforward, jump over the gap to get to the bridge ahead, and loot the chest (Asgardian Ingot x1, Dust of Realms x15, and Hacksilver x1500).
- Take the left from the chest, and you will have to fend off some enemies, after the fight keep moving straight, and then take the left turn from the giant statue. You will soon enter a cave, after a while, there will be a chest on the right but its rock is frozen.
- You will find a pot of fire sitting along the left side of the cave, just a bit further from the rock-covered chest. Grab the explosive bomb from the pot and throw it at the chest.

- That’s it, now we have the second piece to Muspelheim seed. We are now ready to enter the Crucible.
Since now you have both seeds of Muspelheim, you can use any Mystic Gateway to travel to the Crucible. Meanwhile, be sure to check out our guide on the best shields in the game and how to get them.