In the Favor titled Path of Destruction, the first objective would be about following the footprints, but the second one will ask the player to lure the drake. The quest can get a bit confusing for the player as we have seen many players struggling with this part of the game. But completing it will grant us x4500 Kratos XP and x1125 Freya XP along with Dragon tooth and claw crafting materials. Here’s a quick guide to lure the drake to its nest.
Guide To Lure The Drake In Path Of Destruction Favor
What we need to do here is trap the Gulan inside the cage and then send it upwards.
- First, you need to jump down the cage, Here you need to look for a way to lift the cage wall. The solution is in one of the holes on the top.
- The cage can be lifted by hitting the wooden panels in one of the holes above. You need to hit the rotating Wooden Panels with your Leviathan Axe, this will lift the cage but when the axe comes back, the cage will then fall to its original position.

- Here, to make the cage stay up without letting it fall, you need to look at the Yellow-painted Gear underneath the rotating Wooden Panels, attached to the walls on the ground. The gear is how we make the cage stay up, we don’t have to interact with it.
- First, you throw the Leviathan Axe at the Wooden Panels to lift the cage, then when you move outside the cage, quickly throw the axe again at the Yellow-painted Gear to freeze it. As long as the Gear is frozen the cage will stay up, once you call the axe, the cage will fall immediately.
- Now we can focus on the second part of the puzzle here, which is to lure the enemies to the cage. Since the mission is about trapping the animals in the cage, the timing here has to be perfect.
- Turn around from the cage, and loot the chest on the right containing the Jewel of Yggdrasil (an Amulet Fragment of Yggdrasil). Reach for the door at the end.
- The area behind the door contains two Gulans, you need to distract both of them and lead them back to the cage. The game only requires us to lure only one of them
Note: Don’t kill the creatures, we needed to lure them to the cage.

- We just need one of the Gulans to be our bait, make your way back to the cage with the Gulan chasing you, and go through the cage area, the Gulans will soon follow, wait for one of them to be in the center of the cage, and then you need to quickly roll out of the cage area, recall the axe to bring the cage down.

Once the Gulan is trapped inside the cage, you will need to pull down the chain attached south of the cage, it will then move the cage to the upper level.
Glitch with The Cage:
Some players have noticed a fair amount of bugs at this level. One of the notorious bugs around this level was tied to the cage. The height of the gate will only go up to a certain level, the gate will be at the same level as the Gear that we need to freeze to make it stuck.
For the whole puzzle to work for us, we need to lift the cage gates higher than the Gear. If you are facing this problem, changing the graphics mode from Performance to Quality will do the trick.
And with that, this favor on the Path of Destruction is complete. God Of War Ragnarok has its fair share of puzzles, and in case you are struggling with either the Lift Puzzle at the Forge in Svartalfheim or the Giant Geyser Puzzle in the Bay of Bounty, we have got you covered with detailed guides on them.