In Dynasty Warriors Origins, you will quickly realize that the characters are not who they seem. Since there is a lot of politics involved, you might find your friends turning into foes as you progress through the story. Such is the case with Dong Zhuo, a leader who fought alongside you before but has turned his back on the other forces. Since he is considered one of the most powerful men in the game, it is up to you and your coalition to put an end to his reign. In this guide we will show you how to easily defeat Dong Zhuo in Dynasty Warriors Origins.
Dong Zhuo Boss Fight Guide In Dynasty Warriors Origins

Your final battle with Dong Zhuo occurs during the Battle Of Hulao Gate in Chapter 2. This is the final battle that you will encounter while trying to clear Hulao Gate, and as such, Dong Zhuo will put up a tough fight. He will mainly attack using his Twin Pikes, and is extremely quick and agile. You need to perfect your dodge if you wish to win this fight, as his attacks are strong if they hit.
You need to find a fine balance between staying out of reach and getting too close. If you are farther away from Dong Zhuo, he will bridge the distance by performing a jump attack and slamming his weapon on you. It is best to stay up close to him as much as possible during the fight. Hence why you need to learn how to dodge and parry successfully. As for the best weapons, spears and swords seem to be better for this fight, as they offer some range as well as deal damage during close combat.

Battle Arts will also help you out. Any strong Art like [Sp.] Palm Strike, Swallow Slash, and Piercing Vengeance are some of the best ones, especially if you are going for the Longsword or Spear. Since you can’t change your weapon or arts once the battle has commenced, you need to be well prepared in advance. During the fight with Dong Zhuo, you will notice that some of his attacks have a red glow before he attacks you. This means that this attack cannot be blocked or parried, so you have to dodge them.
If you don’t dodge the attacks successfully, then Dong Zhuo will lunge at you and deal damage, and this will happen thrice in a row. Keep dodging till he is done with his third attack, then counterattack him. If you find the fight too tough, you can always bring your companion with you. Also, gather your troops before you head into the boss fight, as you can use Tactics to deal damage. Before the boss fight, it is always best to head over to any nearby camp and collect Meat Buns for healing.
While this fight may be tough in the early game, with these tips, you are bound to end up victorious. There is a mini boss encounter with Diaochan right before you meet Dong Zhuo, so do check out that guide as well.