The battles in Dynasty Warriors: Origins are unique to this series, participating in the battle and taking on hordes of rampaging enemies is a feeling that can’t be felt in other games. The Battle of Guangyang is one of the first missions in the game, the game does an excellent job of notifying its system and deeper mechanics of the game. Here is a guide to the Battle of Guangyang in Dynasty Warrior Origins.
Battle Of Guangyang Overview

Required Rank: 1
Prerequisites: Province Waymark
Previous Mission: Test of Zhang Fei
Victory Conditions: Defeat Cheng Yuanzhi
Defeat Conditions: Liu Bei is formed to flee.
After finishing the Test of Zhang Fei, you will be on your way to start the Battle of Guangyang. The best way is to continue with the storyline until you unlock the Province Waymark for the very first time. Only then will you gain access to the Battle of Guangyang. Here we join Liu Bei to go head to head against the Yellow Turbans.
Meeting with Liu Bei
Starting the mission will put you in a cutscene, as you will start conversing with Liu Bei, Zhang Fei, and Guan Yu. Here Liu Bei will thank us for joining him in the battle. And explain the plan to defeat the Yellow Turbans on the territory.
We have only one objective to finish the battle, which is to defeat Cheng Yuanzhi found north of the map. Taking his head will lead us to the path of victory. Liu Bei’s forces will be located south of the map.
Note: If Liu Bei goes down, the mission fails, and we must redo everything again.
We have Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and four Volunteer soldiers for the Volunteer Forces. Yellow Turbans will have Cheng Yuanzhi, He-Man, Han Zhong, Yan Zheng, Gao Sheng, Xu He, Sun Zhong, Zhao Hong, Zhang Mancheng, Deng Mao, Ma Yuanyi, Bo Cai, Bian Xi, and Lio Hua. All of them will be scattered throughout the map and you will meet all of them on our way to complete the first objective of the Battle of Guangyang.
Our first objective here is to take out the group of Yellow Turbans pillaging the villages in the east.
Preparation For The Battle Of Guangyang
Nothing to do here, since you are on Level 1, you will have Longsword as your weapon and Swallow Slash, Falcon Flurry, and Palm Strike as your Battle Arts. Once you get to the preparation screen, just start the battle.
Defeating Yellow Turbans from Pillaging Villages

- You will start the mission south end of the map, and follow Zhang Fei until the cutscene begins. Within minutes you will face Deng Mao with a group of soldiers. Take him out and make your way to the middle of the map. Soon you will come face to face against Gao Sheng.
- You will also get an alert of other Yellow Turban commanders advancing toward Zhang Fei. Head over to the area where Zhang Fei is located and help him out. Another notification will soon appear when Zhang Fei engages with any of Cheng’s officers. This will serve as an indicator, you will need to move to the area to help Zhang Fei out. Since the mission requirement is set to Level 1, Zhang Fei will be able to fend off enemies on his own.
- Head to the middle of the map, to take care of the rest of the officers of the Yellow Turbans.
Note: Any sign of a red spot on the map indicates the presence of enemies, clearing them out one by one would be the best way to move forward.
- Once you are in the middle of the map, you will see Liu Bei’s forces charging to the north of the map. Most of the battle will take place in the middle of the map, here Guan Yu will engage with many of the commanders of the Cheng Yuanzhi. Help Guan to take out as many commanders off the battlefield.
Move Towards Yellow Turban’s Headquarters
Once the middle of the map is cleared from all red spots, you will receive an alert of Volunteer Soldiers and Zhang Fei making their way to the Yellow Turban HQ located north edge of the map. That will be our destination, so it’s time to move to the north of the map to face the boss.
The door to the headquarters will be guarded by the He-Man. But you will have Zhang Fei, Liu Bei, and Guan Yu on your side to take care of any officer who gets in your way.
Battle Against Cheng Yuanzhi

After the Liu Bei forces break the door to the HQ, you will finally meet Cheng Yuanzhi. While looking at his weapon may give you the impression of the fight being a bit daunting it is not. The boss itself is fairly easy, so just stick your sword attack and battle arts to win the battle. Engage with the boss right away and use your battle arts to wear him out.
Always be on the move, if you are having trouble keeping your health bar green, then consume meat buns found inside the pots around the combat arena. After defeating him, the forces of Yellow Turbans will retreat leaving Liu Bei’s forces to be the victor.
Battle of Guangyang Rewards
Here is the list of rewards for finishing the Battle of Guangyang.
- Experience for your character
- Longsword will reach Lv. 2
- Additional loot from the defeated officers.
Since you are just starting off, it may make sense to bookmark our guide on how to unlock all True Endings for each of the factions, so that you keep game replays to a minimum and still get to see all three endings.