Emmrich Volkarin in Dragon Age: The Veilguard is a Necromancer who is on a path to Lichdom. He also has an undead skeleton companion named Manfred who valiantly sacrifices himself to save everyone. This puts Emmrich in a tough position when he tries to revive Manfred but he is told by the Lich Lord that reviving Manfred would make him lose the chance at Lichdom forever. Here is what happens in both outcomes to help you decide if you should bring Manfred back or let Emmrich become a Lich in Dragon Age: The Veilguard.
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Become A Lich Outcome – Will And Testament Quest Ending

Rook will tell Emmrich that Lichdom is his life’s work and his dream so that is what you should choose. Emmrich will then talk about how becoming a Lich will make him immortal and he will go on to outlive Rook and everyone else. After making the preparations, Rook and Emmrich go to the ritual in which Emmrich goes behind closed doors and comes out with a brand new look with a skull face and green eyes. He has now become a lich and is no longer a mortal but Manfred is now put to rest forever.
Emmrich will now gain the following skills after becoming a Lich:
- Veilguard Skill – Death’s Caress: Emmrich’s abilities now apply necrosis when dealing damage. The party’s affliction damage is also increased by 25%.
- Heroic Armor – Lich’s Vestige: Emmrich now deals 131% bonus ability damage. Detonating a sundered enemy will apply quietus, and if the detonated enemy already has quietus or sundered, they will take 200 necrotic damage instead.
Bring Manfred Back Outcome – Heir To The Dead Quest Ending

After convincing Emmrich to Bring Manfred Back in Dragon Age: The Veilguard, Rook will take part in the revival process where Emmrich will call upon the two Necropolis guardian spirits known as Keepsake of Ages and Farsighted Curio. Some words will be spoken in remembrance of Manfred and after the whole process, Manfred will pop back up to life as good as new.
Manfred will also realize that he now has magic powers like Emmrich. Rook will take both of them back to the Lighthouse and Manfred will now be Emmrich’s new apprentice with a new look donned with an overcoat. Emmrich will say he has moments of regret for what Lichdom would’ve been like but he knows nothing can make him exchange having Manfred by his side.
Emmrich will now have the following skills after bringing Manfred back and sacrificing his aspirations of Lichdom:
- Veilguard Skill – Life’s Embrace: Increases your low health threshold by 10%. The party deals 50% more damage while you have low health.
- Heroic Armor – Graven’s Vestments: Detonations deal 50% damage to health while you are at low health. Detonations will now also render you invulnerable while in low health.
Should You Choose To Bring Manfred Back Or Become A Lich In Dragon Age: The Veilguard
The main difference between choosing to bring Manfred back or letting Emmrich become a Lich in Dragon Age: The Veil Guard comes down to which skills you want Emmrich to have and if you want Manfred around at the Lighthouse. The story part of it is nothing too different as even after becoming a Lich, Emmrich is still the same person and can also still keep his regular human look. In our run, we let Emmrich become a Lich as the necrosis-inflicting damage bonuses went really well with our build; plus the decision felt truer to Emmrich’s character.
Since you are going to be making rounds around Necropolis for this, you should also check out all Necropolis Halls chest puzzles in Dragon Age: The Veilguard.