Dark and Darker has turned out to be a pretty tough but exciting PVPVE game which has players exploring the world and dungeons to gather materials, survive and defeat enemies and come back to upgrade their character and become that much stronger for the next run. There are several items that grant bonuses and help the player in their runs, and some of these benefits are for Physical Healing or Magical Healing. If you are looking for what exactly these two types of healing are, and what are the differences between them, we have put a detailed guide on this topic here
Physical Healing and Magical Healing Difference In Dark And Darker

Physical Healing is tied to the healing that you receive from physical items – like potions and campfires. Thus, items that you equip that give you increased physical healing means that the next swig of the potion, or the next rest at a campfire will heal you that much more as compared to what would have been the case without that equipped item.
Magical Healing is tied to healing that you receive from spells, or skills of your character. Thus, items that you equip that give added Magical Healing means that the next spell (e.g.; Life Drain or Torture Mastery) that you use which has healing related benefits, will heal you that much more as compared to what would have been the case without that equipped item.
As is easy to imagine, character builds that are more magic and spell oriented like a Warlock, Cleric, Bard will likely benefit more from Magical Healing, while more melee oriented classes will benefit more by equipping items that increase Physical Healing.
The items tend to add a +1 modifier to your base healing for that attribute. This means, for e.g.; in case of Physical Healing, a +1 PH provides 50% more scaling on total heal. Thus, for every health potion you take, a +1 PH will give you more 0.5 hp restored. In case of Campfire, a + 1 PH provides 100% more scaling on heal per tick. Thus, for every rest at a Campfire, a +1 PH will provide +1 hp / second.
And that is everything to know on Physical Healing vs Magical Healing in Dark and Darker. Do check out our other guides on the game like how to get silver ingots in Dark and Darker or how to use a lantern shield in Dark and Darker.