One of the fun things in any game is to hunt for collectibles, seeing the checkmark pop up with all the collectibles obtained is a feeling that can’t be explained in words. The new Citadelle des Morts in Black Ops 6 has new audio logs to be discovered, and almost all of them are well hidden. And that is why we have come up with this guide to give you the precise locations of all 10 audio logs in the Citadelle des Morts.
How To Get All Audio Logs In Citadelle des Morts

There are 10 audio logs to hunt down in the new Citadelle des Morts map. Each one of them is well hidden away blending into the surroundings. It’s going to be a tad bit difficult to pinpoint them, but let’s get started
#1. Historically Speaking

Location: Tavern in the spawn point, south of the map
When you spawn in Citadelle des Morts, head to the tavern nearby, climb the stairs on the left and you will find the Historically Speaking Audio Log on the table next to the broken railings.
#2. The Founding
Location: Hilltop, west of the map
You will find this audio log by taking the road left of the spawn area. When you reach the hilltop, take the route left from the fence post with a Kompakt 92 Submachine Gun wall buy. The audio log is placed on the stone next to the wooden barricade in the middle.
#3. You Would’ve Done the Same
Location: Hillside Ramparts, North of the Map
This one is located on the top of a metal cupboard left of the castle entrance. Here you will also find the Elemental Pop Machine on the right of the audio log
#4. Do Your Damn Job

Location: Entrance Hall, Castle, North of the Map
This one is found on the top of the boxes, left of the opening of the castle at the north. This one is easily missable since it is surrounded by a lot of other stuff lying on the top of the boxes. Luckily there is a light covering those boxes for you to see it.
#5. Fair Enough

Location: Dungeon, East of Undercroft in Castle
Head to the Dungon area in the Undercroft section under the castle, Here you will find the log on the shelf in the middle.
#6. Four Bastards
Location: Dining Hall, East of the Castle
Head to the dining hall in the castle, and get to the second floor right above the dining hall. Here you will find the audio log on a shelf in the corner. Precisely, you will find it southwest part of the second floor in the Dining Hall.
#7. Get It Done

Location: Main Hall in Undercroft
Make it to the Undercroft section of the Castle, you will find it on the desk around the corner.
#8. Survival of the Fittest

Location: Village Ascent, West of the Map
From the spawn area, take the right direction, here you will find the audio log on the floor next to the ammo crate in the middle of the Village Ascent area.
#9. Good Afternoon Mr. Richtofen

Location: Courtyard, North of the Map
You will find this audio log on the crates located southeast of the courtyard in a wide tunnel near the castle area, directly underneath the ammo crate placed above.
#10. New Horizons
Location: Sitting Rooms, East of the Castle
Head to the Sitting Room inside the castle, you will find the room on the west side. You will find the audio log on the wall right next to the wall-buy. You will also see the word “Solidarity “graffiti on the wall next to the log.