V Rising, from Stunlock Studios is all about getting to live your vampire fantasies and building castles, dominating human servants and just generally being a badass all around. Crafting, and resource gathering is a vital part of the gameplay mechanic in V Rising, and one of the items that forms a part of key recipes is Fish Bones. If you are looking to get all the details on how to get Fish Bones in V Rising, you have come to the right place
How To Get Fish Bones In V Rising
In order to get Fish Bones in V Rising, you will need to perform the following steps:
- Defeat Rufus the Foreman to unlock the Woodworking Bench (12 * Planks, 60 * Rugged Hide). The boss is a level 20 boss and can be found in the Bandit Logging Camp in Farbane Woods.
- Defeat Finn the Fisherman to unlock the recipe for Fishing Pole . The boss is a level 32 boss and can be found at Fishing Lake in Farbane Woods.
- Craft the Fishing Pole at the Woodworking Bench. The recipe requires 8* Planks, 4* Copper Ingots, 4 * Coarse Threads

- Go to any water body and look for bubbles on the surface of water. Equip the Fishing Pole and start fishing!
- Defeat Lidia the Chaos Archer to unlock the Devourer (12 * Planks, 6 * Copper Ingots). The boss is a level 30 boss and can be found anywhere between the Bandit Copper Mine and Bandit Logging Camp in Farbane Woods.
- Take the fish and feed it to the Devourer which processes the fish to give Fish Bones, Fish Oil and Scales, which can then be used in various recipes
What Are Fish Bones Used For In V Rising
Fish Bones can be used to prepare the following different items in V Rising:
Item | Recipe |
Brew of Ferocity | 32 * Hell’s Clarion, 1 * Fish Bone, 1 * Empty Waterskin |
Enchanted Brew | 32 * Snow Flower, 1 * Fish Bone, 1 * Empty Waterskin |
Potion of Rage | 60 * Plague Brier, 60 * Hell’s Clarion, 1* Fish Bone, 1 * Empty Glass Bottle |
Witch Potion | 60 * Sacred Grapes, 60 * Snow Flower, 1 * Fish Bone, 1 * Empty Glass Bottle |
Giant Rat | 12 * Plant Fibre, 1 * Fish Bone |
Spiderling | 20 * Mutant Grease, 1 * Fish Bone |
Mosquito | 20 * Plague Briar, 1 * Fish Bone |
And that is everything on Fish Bones in V Rising. Do check out our other guides on the game like how to get Reinforced Planks, or the Hunter’s Cloak in V Rising