Modding can be a difficult topic, as it conjures pop-ups after popups to fix plenty of problems. But in reality, modern modding has become fairly easy for anyone to do without learning everything. Even the simple drag-and-drop format of modding has long gone, now it has been replaced with Mod Manager. Manually installing mods can make things a tad bit complicated, luckily mod managers will take care of the pesky process of installing the mods without having us invest too much of our time. Here we are going to take a look at the steps to install mods in Marvel Rivals.
How Do You Install Mod Manager In Marvel Rivals?
We will install the mod manager via Nexus Mods
Think of the Mod Manager as an application to launch your mods without dealing with the pesky details of doing everything manually. Mods can help your game to optimize better to pull out good performance numbers. You will also have the option to add new skins to any of your favorite characters for free.
Download Marvel Rivals, Mod Manager
Here we will look at the steps to download the mod manager.
- First, head over to Nexumods. It is a safe and secure site that hosts plenty of mods without any nefarious elements. All the mods on the site are verified and all the files are safe to use.
- Create an account on the website to download the mods. You can’t download any mods without using your account.
- Now we can download Mods Manager MR. While you will find other Mod Managers for Marvel Rivals, we decided to go with the MR version for its interactive GUI.
- Head to the Files tab and select Manual Download.
Install Mod Manager
- Open the Mod Manager MR file.rar you have downloaded. The file would be in the .rar format.
- Extract the RAR file into any location. Once the exactation is complete, all the files inside the zip will be in a folder. The folder will have the exact same title as the zip file.
- Inside the folder, find the “marvel_rivals_mod_manager.exe”. Open the exe to launch the application.
- Head over to the setting icon on the top right corner of the application and go to the option named Game Folder.
- Use your Marvel Rivals folder location as a Game folder. On the right of the Game Folder, you will have the option to Change Game Folder.
- Once you click on the Change Game Folder, you will need to set the address to the Marvel Rivals folder. On Steam, you can click on Manage > Browse Local Files to find the root folder for Marvel Rivals, and on Epic, click on Manage > Installation folder Icon by right-clicking Marvel Rivals.
- Once everything is set, you will have the “~mods “folder in “MarvelGame/Marvel/ Content/paks.”
Note: If you don’t see the ~mods folder inside, you will have to properly add the directory address of Marvel Rival.
Activate and Deactivate Mods:
- Now head back to the main screen of the Mod Manager. We just have to drag the mods into the software to activate it.
- Head over to any mods you find interesting, download it, extract the .pak file inside of it, and then drag the file into the Mod Manager MR section.
Note: When you download a mod, it will be in a “.rar” file, which is not compatible with the mod manager, to make it work, you first need to extract the “.rar” file. Every mod file will be in the .”pak” format. To activate the mod, we simply have to drag the.pak file into the software to activate it.
Once you have dragged and dropped the “.pak ” file into the mod manager, it will automatically activate the mod. To deactivate, simply press the button on the right. After all the modding, you can simply launch the game to see the changes instantly.
Recommended Marvel Rivals Mods
While most of the mods for Marvel Rivals are just cosmetics, here we put the spotlight on the mods that can improve your overall performance of the game. So if your game stuttering or handing out low frame per sec, you can try these mods to get rid of those problems.
FPS Boost and Optimizations (Stutter Fix)
Mod Link: FPS Boost /Optimization
If you are facing any performance-related issues on your computer when you are playing Marvel Rivals. then you can add these mods to your manager to see the changes right away. The mod promises to optimize your game to boost its performance.
AMD Performance Boost
Mod Link: AMD Performance Boost
Some people have complained about the game’s performance on AMD cards. This is a good mod to try out and see if it helps optimize the game on your AMD GPU. The mod disables “nonessential effects” to make the game run smoother without taking a hatchet to the quality.
Skip Intro
Mod Link: Skip Intro
Tired of seeing the Unreal Engine, Netease, and Marvel logos over and over again, every time you launch the game? Well, try out the Skip Intro mod to cut all the logos, so you will jump right into the game every single time.