Once you reach the endgame sections of Path of Exile 2, you will have a lot going on. You can unlock the Atlas Of Worlds, a new gameplay mechanic where you pick up different Activities and complete them for rewards. Under this, you will find the Expedition Activity, a unique gameplay experience where you need to locate ancient artifacts. There is more to this than just picking up artifacts, as you need to strategize the best way to go about it. And hence, in this guide, we take you through everything there is to know on Expeditions in Path of Exile 2.
How To Start Expeditions

Expeditions are random occurrences that you will come across by chance, but they are also marked on the map using the Expedition symbol. There is no fixed indicator on where you need to go, as you just have to follow the markers on your map to find them. You can increase your chance of getting more Expedition spawns by getting a Precursor Tablet from enemy drops. You can take this item to the Lost Towers on the Atlas to get more Expedition encounters.
How To Complete Expeditions

Once you have picked the Expedition spot, explore the area to find the Kalguuran camp. Within this camp, you will encounter an NPC waiting for you. They will be surrounded by Remnants and Flags, and you can collect explosives from the NPC to start the quest. You will get 5 explosives, and you need to use them all up and strategically place them around the campsite to blow up all the Remnants and Flags simultaneously.
You need to start from the Detonation point and work your way to cover all the bases. Each time you place a detonator, a green circle will appear around it. This will symbolize the explosive radius of the explosion and how far it will go. Use this marker to plant all the explosives, then head back to the detonation point to start the explosion. You need to keep any flags and remnants within the explosion radius.

Clearing flags will help you uncover chests, while remnants will help you find treasure. But clearing out both of them will spawn several monsters that will attack you. Clear the area of them to collect all the loot peacefully. But what you should be looking for are Runic Monsters, as these are the ones that will drop Artifacts and Logbooks. These monsters will have the Runic title, so they are easy to spot and tougher to beat too. Runic Monsters will only spawn if the biggest flag in the area is destroyed.
How To Use Artifacts And Logbooks
You should collect enough Artifacts and Logbooks from Runic Monsters so you can trade them with the NPCs in the area for specialized gear. If you have collected Logbooks, take them to Dannig to reveal hidden locations that you can explore. You can select any one of these hidden locations, and Dannig will open up portals. Once you enter the zone, you can collect 18 explosives and spot several more remnants and flags that you need to destroy. This is just a grander version of the normal Expedition, and you can claim several new rewards this way.
All Expedition Passive Skills
Each time you successfully complete an Expedition, you gain passive points to use under the Expedition skill tree of the Atlas. The higher the level of the Expedition you complete, the more points you can collect and spend. Below are all the Expedition Passive Skills you can unlock, and the points required for them.
Skills That Require Two Points To Unlock:
Passive Skills | Description |
Extreme Archaeology | Increases explosive count by 1.150% explosive radius increase.Monsters spawn with 20% life reduction.Increased explosive placement range by 100%. |
Disturbed Rest | Increases markers for Runic Monsters by 50%. |
Timed Detonation | Increases Artifact drop rate from monsters by 50%.Chains of detonation will be 50% faster. |
Frail Treasures | Expeditions will now have 3 extra chest markers. Expedition maps will despawn after 5s. |
Weight of History | Increases remnant effects by 35% |
Skills That Require Four Points To Unlock:
Passive Skill | Description |
Detailed Records | Increases Logbook drops from Runic Monsters by 50%.Expedition Logbooks will have at least 3 implicity modifiers. |
Legendary Battles | Increases Rare Expedition Monsters by 50%.Increases drop rate for Exotic Coinage by 50%. |
Unearthed Anomalies | Remnants will have additional prefix and suffix modifiers. |