Hades 2 offers several mechanics to keep the gameplay interesting, and while it has added new tweaks to the game, the one carry over from the first game are Keepsakes : benefits that either increase the chances of that particular God’s boon appearing in an encounter, or grant other bonuses. While we have our full guide on everything to know and locations for all 27 Keepsakes in Hades 2, in this article we will go through what we consider are the best Keepsakes in Hades 2.
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6. Metallic Droplet
Character | Hermes |
Benefit | You move, strike and channel 20% faster for the next 200 seconds |
Anything that helps you move quicker and strike faster is a neat benefit to have, helping you to dish out your damage that much faster. This one also lasts for a good 3 mins +; and is perfect for a tough encounter with enemy swarms where you need to be nimble and make use of the arena to position yourself better.

5. White Antler
Character | Artemis |
Benefit | While you have no more than 30% health, you have +20% chance to deal critical damager for the next 200 seconds |
The perfect Keepsake for occasions where you are left with just that sliver of health (which are a lot!) and landing a critical hit instead of a normal one can make all the difference between survival and respawning again.

4. Evil Eye
Character | Nemesis |
Benefit | Deal +20% damage to the last foe that defeated you |
This is especially useful once you have become more powerful and done a few runs; and you are more likely to be defeated only by a more powerful enemy, rather than the normal hordes that come up in an encounter. In such a case, getting a +20% damage is a game-changer and can especially be useful against Guardian fights

3. Knuckle Bones
Character | Odysseus |
Benefit | The next Guardian loses 5% health, and you take 15% less damage from Guardians over the next 200 seconds |
The perfect Keepsake for boss fights – it takes off 5% of the boss health even before you have landed a single blow, and that is worth it’s weight in gold. And as a nice bonus – it also grants damage negation of a pretty substantial order; and lasts for a decent 3+ mins.

2. Luckier Tooth
Character | Schelemeus |
Benefit | When you run out of health, automatically restore 51 health once |
Anything that helps on sustaining health automatically becomes precious and valued – it goes with the fundamental nature of rogue-likes where survival is key. This one grants you health restore and that, is enough said on why Luckier Tooth is one of the best Keepsakes in Hades 2

1. Ghost Onion
Character | Dora |
Benefit | Whenever you exit a chamber, fully restore your health, up to a total of 50 over the course of the run |
This can make a huge difference when you know the next chamber is going to be a tough one – nothing is more irritating than having reached the end part of an area but with so little health that you know a respawn is inevitable. In such cases, nothing gets better than having a full restore option on health, which is what Ghost Onion provides.

And that, are the 6 best Keepsakes in Hades 2. Keep in mind that the above benefits are the starting level benefit, and as you have your Keepsake equipped over several encounters, it can be upgraded upto 3 levels, with each level increasing the benefit associated with that Keepsake.