During the mission Exhuming the Past, you are sent to find information to help House Dul’kehf in their ongoing situation in the capital city of Dazra. One of the hurdles that stomped many gamers here, is a coded door that holds the Experiment Keycard. You will have to input the proper number to open it. Well, it might sound simple, but finding the code and cracking the accurate number is difficult. Here is a guide to unlocking the door by putting the proper code in the box, we also detailed out the way to crack the code.
Teleportation Experiment Puzzle Code In Exhuming The Past

The correct code to open the door for Experiment Keycard is 3-3-5.
The answer for the code lies in the computer on the right. Here, out of three research logs in the computer, you need to open the third log entry titled “Recent Experimental Results”. The note will have the list of data including the Subject, Power Level, and Result.
Here you need to focus on the details of the Keycard Subject, listed last on the log entry. Since it’s the only thing we want for our puzzle. The Power Level required for the keycard is set at 2-3-5. So many people online ran with the code without reading anything else on the computer.
Subject: Keycard
Power Level: 235
- The code for the “successful result experiment” keycard is set to the number “2-3-5″. But that’s not the proper code, that’s just a number to throw people off.

The proper solution for the puzzle is hiding in the second research log entry titled ‘Important Reminder Power Usage’. The second research log on the computer will have the paragraph we look for to crack the terminal. The passage here reads:
“During these periods the value must be increased by 100 to compensate. Failure to comply could result in damage to equipment and/or bodily harm.”
- Here we need to add 100 over 2-3-5 (the keycard power level), so 3-3-5 is the answer to get the door open. Then you can grab the Experiment Keycard off the platform.
That’s it, then you continue with the rest of the quest. But we did hear some people experiencing bugs in the mission, especially in the section with Experiment Keycard.
Bug Alert:
Problem #1:
Some people complain inputting 3-3-5 in the terminal didn’t work for them. If you are facing the same problem in your game, try inputting 3-2-4. If that doesn’t work out, you can always restart the game or load the previous auto-save.
Problem #2:
Some people even encountered a problem with the keycard, as they couldn’t pick up the card after opening the door by inputting the code 3-3-5. Again, the only solution we have here is to reload the previous save or restart the game. If none of the solutions works out for you, then you can always use the command way to work around it, if you are on PC.
If the solutions don’t work out for you, then you have to wait for Bethesda to release a patch to fix the bug out of the game.