The expert system in Star Wars Outlaws offers a range of helpful abilities to help you survive the game’s later stages, where the game is swarming with elite troops. One of the helpful experts named The Scavenger wants you to own a Flux Compressor along with Durasteel and Ray Accelerator to start building the Ion smoke bomb ability. Here is a complete guide to obtaining the Flux Compressor.
Star Wars Outlaws Flux Compressor Location

The Flux Compressor is located North of the Great Basin in Akiva but can be acquired only after solving the Rover’s Lair Puzzle.
Abilities Required: Your speeder needs the Speed Boost ability to pass the quest’s first hurdle. You will also need to obtain the Power and Ion module for the Blaster. Make sure to have all three of them if you want to pass the quest without being stuck in the middle or end path.
- Once you arrive in the location, the route here is fairly linear. Head straight and then jump across the gap with the speeder with Speed Boost ability. Follow the straight path and you will arrive at the location. Sadly, we have to get off the speeder to continue with the rest of the mission.
- Head straight, then look to your left, you will find two boulders sitting on the ledge. Take out your Blaster switch to the Power module and destroy both of them. Our path is now clear, climb the ledge to get to the other side.
- After some climbing and jumping sections later, use the grappling hook on the top to swing across to the other side. Here use the Power module on the Blaster to destroy the broken wall in front of you. Follow the route, you will find a climbable wall with metal bars at the end next to an amazing vista.

- A few metal bars later, you will arrive on the platform on the top. Here you will find a grappling point to pull yourself up. This will take us to the first mini-puzzle for this intel.
How To Solve The Rover’s Lair Puzzle In Star Wars Outlaws
Puzzle Description: The door on the left has four lights on it, each one of the lights here is connected to a generator. We could see two generators on the top of the door, the next two are hidden behind breakable objects. To solve it, we will need to turn on all the lights on the door. Here we will need the Ion module to power the generator.
- First, pull out your blaster switch to the Power module take out the boulders left of the door, and then shoot the breakable wall to the right.
- Switch to the Ion module in the blaster, it’s time to shoot the generators. But when you do it with Ion Blaster, nothing will happen, the lights will not come back on the door. This is the meat of the puzzle.
Solution: While there are four generators you must find the proper order to activate them. The clue here is when you shoot the generators, each one of them will act differently. The one thing you should focus on is the timer on the generators. The shutdown timer on every one of them will be different than the next. One of the generators will shut down after 4 seconds while another will go out in 1 second.
Here the generator that shuts out fast will be first in the line and the second generator will come out later. That’s how you find the solution to this puzzle. You have to hit all four and remember the time limit on each one of them to figure out the puzzle.

The correct solution is 3 1 4 2. First you hit the generator on the top of the door to the top left, then shoot the generator (behind the breakable wall) to the right, come down to the generator (behind the breakable boulders) on the bottom left, and lastly you aim at the generator in the center.
- Once you hit the generators in the correct order, the lights on each one of them will stay on, this will open up the treasure door.
- Here you will find the Flux Compressor along with Baradium-357 Cannister x1, Actuating Module x3, MG-2 Power Exceeder x1, Enhanced Durasteel Hullx1, and some additional materials. If you have 25x Durasteel and 10x Ray Accelerator you will unlock the Ion Smoke Bomb ability from the Scavenger.
Are having a difficult time getting the items in Star Wars Outlaws? then we have the perfect guides to help you in your journey: How To Get HD05-G Circuit In Star Wars Outlaws or How To Get LC-3 Skifter In Star Wars Outlaws.