Sea of Thieves’ new anniversary update marks the 7th year since the game’s release, and there is a new event that will run for a limited time. Within this event, you can solve riddles and locate anniversary cakes while venturing out at sea. Collecting all the anniversary cakes will give you a unique title, so you should grab it before the event ends. This guide will detail all anniversary cake locations in Sea of Thieves.
How To Get The Seeker Of Sweet Treats Title In Sea Of Thieves
There are seven cakes scattered across the Sea of Thieves map, and below are where you need to go to locate them all.
Sanctuary Outpost

Head inside the Sanctuary Outpost’s tavern and head straight to the bar table. To the right is where you can spot the cake on the table.
Lone Cove

Bring along a Grapple Gun for this one and head straight towards the pointed boulder in the middle of the island. Use the grapple gun to get on top of the rock and collect your cake.
The Sunken Grove

Head a bit south from the center of the island and walk around the mountain’s ridges till you come across an empty campsite. You will spot the cake beside the unlit bonfire, on top of a pile of skulls.
The Crooked Masts

Take your grapple gun again and head south of the island. You need to find a large boulder with an inscription of waves on it. Hop on to the boulder beside it and use the grapple gun to get on top of the larger boulder and collect the cake.
Devil’s Ridge

The path to get to this cake can be a bit complicated. First, enter the cave through the northern entrance, which is just beside the Cursed Boar Shrine. Head straight inside till you reach a crossroad beside a painting of an octopus on the wall. Take the right side path and you find the cake on the makeshift shrine in front of you.
Thieves’ Haven

For this cake, head over to the southern section where the three boulders shaped like heads are. You need to get on top of the larger boulder head to find the cake.
Fetcher’s Rest

The final cake can be found west of the island. There is a makeshift campsite here, and the cake can be found resting on top of the anvil.
Anniversary Cake Riddle Solution
While interacting with each cake, you get a short note that doesn’t make a lot of sense. The notes are clues to get a code, which you can then input into the Sea of Thieves website to collect the Seeker of Sweet Treats Title. To solve the riddle, you need to arrange all the notes correctly, then jot down the numbers present within the note. Combine all the numbers to the correct combination to get a unique code. But, if you don’t want to go through the hassle of deciphering the note, the code is 11234100001517.
The Sea of Thieves Anniversary Event runs from the 14th of March till the 24th of March, so you have a limited time to try your luck getting all the cakes and solving the riddle to get the elusive new title.