Achievement can be difficult in any video, especially the ones that ask players to do actions that affect every member of the group simultaneously. Together, Mem! is one of the many unique achievements that asks a player to put on a buff on all the players in the squad at once. Here in this guide, we will help you clear out this achievement by guiding you through two of the best possible ways to put the Mem’s Support Buff on all of your allies at once and complete the achievement.
Together, Mem! Achievement Overview

Together, Mem! – All four allies must possess ‘Mem’s Support’ simultaneously in a single battle.
Rewards: 5 Stellar Jades
Mem’s Support Buff is an ability from Trailblazer; the spell only casts when the mem hits 100%. The buff lasts for 3 turns, every time the buff character takes a turn. Mem’s Support Buff charges whenever an ally on your squad builds energy via attack, skill, or taking damage from enemies.
The highest amount of charge will come from your skills and Ultimate. The goal is to get as many ultimates as possible before the Mem’s Support Buff three turn comes to an end.
Strategy #1: Cyclical Extrapolation (RNG)

Equation: Useless Scholar
After the team uses 6 ultimate without the Overclock effect, they will deal an Aftertaste Damage. After an ultimate use, the status will end, and the first character in the team lineup will activate their ultimate, charge Brain in a VAT to 200%, and use ultimate 3 times before the stand ends.
- Set your team for energy recovery—characters like Star Rail Sparkle, Bronya, Tingyun, or Huohuo.
- You must place Trailblazer in the first slot on the team lineup. So they will have access to the Useless Scholar ability.
- Save the Trailblazer for the last, when you are casting Mem’s Support, you should cast it on the slowest character on your squad. The slowest characters will take a few turns in the combat. Then gradually move to the fastest character on your list.
- Trailblazers should always cast ultimate and skills as much as possible, taking many turns in the process.
Strategy #2: Tales of the Fantastic Event

After the Tales of Fantastic Event, select Scene 2 “From Death, Comes Life“. We are going with the second scene because of the trial offer, which states that after defeating a Trotter, all the allies will regenerate 100% of their maximum energy and all points received by all allies will increase by 100% for one turn. Regenerating 100% of their maximum energy after defeating a Trotter will become a huge help for us to maintain the energy for the Mem’s Support buff.
- For the Plot Armors, pick Life-Death Polypore (I) – If an ally’s HP gets lowed during their own turn, regeneration of energy will begin equal to 55% of the respective max energy.
- For character, you will need a solid damage dealer, Trailblazer for the Mem’s Support Buff, and two slow characters just like in our first strategy.
- Use the ultimate on your allies immediately when they get full. Trailblazer must always use his skills to regen energy for the Mem’s Support Buff.
- When you spot a Trotter, concentrate on defeating it first before moving to anyone else.
- We must go through the same technique, always cast the Mem’s Support Buff on the slowest character first before moving on to the fastest, which will be the Trailblazer.
- If the Mem’s Energy bar is at 90 % or more, save the Trailblazer Ultimate for later. Since a single ultimate helps us gain 40% of Mem Energy.
And with that, you should be through in unlocking the Together, Mem! hidden achievement. To check details on the latest Hypogeum Enigma event, we have put up a guide to help you with everything there is to know on this, do give it a look.