V Rising allows you to unleash your inner vampire, capture humans as minions to be locked up in caskets, and what’s more – order them around to do stuff for you! If you are looking for a way to do the last part, you have come to the right place – In this guide we have put up all the details on how to send servants on missions in V Rising
How To Send Servants On Missions In V Rising
In order to send servants on missions in V Rising, follow these steps:
- Convert a part of your castle into stone using Stone Bricks ( for which, you will need a Grinder, 8 * Planks, 4 * Copper Ingots, 4 * Whetstones)
- Complete the Lord of the Manor quest (which is part of the main questline) to obtain the blueprint for a Servant Coffin
- Build the Servant Coffin (requires 16 * Planks, 8 * Copper Ingots, 1 * Greater Blood Essence). The Planks and Copper Ingots are fairly common and known, the Greater Blood Essence item can be obtained by using 4 * Unsullied Hearts (drops from V Blood Carriers) and placing them in a Blood Press.

- Use the Dominating Presence Form Vampire Power over a human NPC once you have depleted him to low health. This will have the NPC follow you to the castle and you can then bind him to the Servant Coffin
- Wait for 90 minutes server time, and you will have your first servant ready, which will complete the Army of Darkness quest, and give you the blueprint for a Castle Throne – this is required to command your human servant.
- Next, build a Castle Throne using Stone Bricks, 16* Iron Ingots and 4* Greater Blood Essence. The Stone Bricks and Greater Blood Essence can be collected as described above; while the Iron Ingots require you to explore the Dunley Farmland area and a Refined Copper weapon to mine the deposits found in this area and collect Iron Ore.
- You will then need to defeat a tough opponent in Quincy the Bandit King in the Bandit Sulphur Quarry to the West. Defeating this boss drops the ability to convert Iron Ore into Iron Bars and use them to create the Castle Throne; and finally be able to send your servants on various missions and expeditions
Tips To Keep In Mind When Sending Servants On Missions In V Rising
- When using Dominating Presence, you will not be able to use any other spell, and hence will be vulnerable to attacks when bringing the human back to your castle
- One Servant Coffin can bind only one servant, so keep making more of these for binding more servants. The number of servants that you can have is also limited by your Castle Heart – so keep upgrading that as well to have more servants at your command

- Longer missions that will take more time will also bring the maximum rewards and increase the chances of success for that mission – so keep that in mind when sending your servants out in the world.
- Equipping better gear increases the chances of success and the possibility of your servant coming back alive from the expedition.
- The blood type and quality of the humans also plays a role in influencing the success of the expeditions; so keep that in mind when selecting a potential human to be made into a slave.