V Rising, the latest action RPG from Stunlock Studios has you playing as a vampire – and one key mechanic of the game is going out into the world to collect resources to craft powerful items back at your castle. However, on some of these resource collecting trips, you may have come across an issue of not being able to teleport back to your castle using a waygate. In this guide, we have put up all the details on how to resolve cannot use waygate error in V Rising
Why Am I Not Able To Use A Vampire Waygate To Travel In V Rising
You cannot use a waygate as a means to fast travel in V Rising if you are carrying resources – essentially anything that is not equipment or consumables. This is a pretty painful restriction, as one of the main reasons to go out would obviously be to collect resources, since that is a central gameplay mechanic. However, I guess the developers wanted to keep a sense of danger and tension on these resource collecting trips, and thus the requirement for you to make it back to the castle on foot without the convenience of fast travel.
How To Fast Travel In V Rising With Resources

The good thing in V Rising is that the developers have given an option to toggle a setting in the game menu that lets you turn off the default restriction of not being able to fast travel when carrying resources. While setting up a private server, go into the Advanced Tab Setting, go to Items, and un-tick the box that reads “Teleport Bound Items”. And with that, you are free to hoard up resources and then fast travel back without any restrictions! This is obviously not applicable on the official V Rising server – these options are only available on private servers.
And that is everything you need to know to resolve the cannot use waygate problem in V Rising. Do check out our other guides on the game like how to get Onyx Tears in V Rising or everything about Hunter’s Cloak in V Rising